
Scripts and notes on installing TAP (Tanzu Application Platform) on AWS EKS

Primary LanguageShell


Automate the installation of Tanzu Application Platform (TAP) running on AWS EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service)

Based on https://github.com/ndwinton/tap-setup-scripts

1. Prerequisites

The Tanzu-specific prerequisites are too numerous and detailed to repeat, and are specified in detail here: https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Tanzu-Application-Platform/0.2/tap-0-2/GUID-install-intro.html You should read and follow the prerequisites first.

The TL;DR is:

Tools installed on your local machine (Tanzu-specific, AWS-specific, and other):

Aside from tools, you'll need:

  • A Tanzu Network account
  • An AWS account with an IAM user with the ability to create an EKS cluster with 4 EC2 instances of type t2.xlarge
  • An external image repository account (e.g. DockerHub)

2. (Optional) Set your environment variables

If you wish to store your environment variables locally in order to avoid entering them at the prompts (e.g. in .envrc, if you use direnv), then copy envrc-template to a new file called .envrc, edit the new file, and direnv allow it.

Of course, you can use the template file as documentation to set your environment variables by whatever mechanism you choose.

You might need to read forward a little bit to figure out what all the values are.

cp envrc-template .envrc
# Edit .envrc to contain the correct values. Make sure to use enclose values with shell special characters, like `!`, with single quotes
direnv allow

3. Configure (log into) aws

aws configure

Follow the prompts, filling in your AWS IAM's credentials.

4. Create an EKS cluster on AWS


If you have not set all the required environment variables, then you will be prompted for the values.

If successful, this should take approximately 20 minutes.

Note that this step modifies your ~/.kube/config file to contain a Kubernetes Context that points to the new cluster, and also sets the current context to it. You can verify that by typing:

kubectl config get-contexts

5. Install TAP in the EKS cluster


If you have not set all the required environment variables, then you will be prompted for the values.

Sit back and relax ... If successful, the entire installation process should take approximately 20 minutes.

7. (Optional) Destroy the cluster

If you are sensitive to cost, when you do not need the TAP installation, you can destroy the entire AWS EKS cluster:


There is a delay of a couple of minutes after the command completes, until the cluster is completely destroyed. This means that immediately trying to re-create the cluster will not work.