
project-team-g created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageC


Hi all! This is Team G of CSCI 3250! In the following we will be doing a few things:

  1. Start Issues: We will be learning and practicing issues on Github.
  2. Project Board: We will be practicing functions related to project boards and managing workflow.
  3. README: Well, as your faithful IT dog, I'm currently editing this file to introduce you to the wonderful things we will be doing!
  4. README: One more faithful IT (perhaps not) dog will be working on the below Contributors section.
  5. Progress Tracking: We will be practicing the art of checking our progress regularly.
  6. Github Action and C: We will be learning and practicing deploying a simple C code to Github Actions and making it work.
  7. README: We will be practicing adding code snippets from the previous task and make sure workflow badge works properly.
  8. Finishing Touches: Finally, we will be adding a couple finishing touches to our site.


{% include_relative code.c %}



{% for member in site.stu %} {% endfor %}

@{{ member.user }} ({{ member.name }})
{{ member.content | markdownify }}

Last updated: {{site.time}}