
tmux setting (for macos or windows wsl)


tmux installed

tmux for Linux

Copy .tmux.conf to your Home directory

tmux for wsl/windows (with powerline font)

ressource : https://www.ricalo.com/blog/install-powerline-windows/#install-and-configure-powerline-fonts

[linux session] copy file to your home directory

Copy .tmux.conf_wsl and rename it to .tmux.conf

[windows 10/11 session] install powerline required font (with admin role)

powershell -command "& { iwr https://github.com/powerline/fonts/archive/master.zip -OutFile ~\fonts.zip }"
Expand-Archive -Path ~\fonts.zip -DestinationPath ~


[linux session] install powerline binary

sudo add-apt-repository universe
sudo apt install --yes powerline

[linux session] Add this to .zshrc in order to set tmux panes before launch

# Tmux pan
start_tmux() {
tmux new-session -s "mySession_$(date +%s)" -d
tmux split-window -h
tmux split-window -v
tmux -2 attach-session -d 
alias tmux="start_tmux"