
minikube tips & shortcuts

Primary LanguageShell

minikube start script

start minikube with additionnal plugins

Table of contents

File content

  • Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 - powershell shortcuts for kubernetes and minikube (type $profile in powershell and copy paste the content in the file which is prompt -> C:\Users\<USER>\Documents\PowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1)
  • minikube-addon.sh - activate minikube addons
  • minikube-init.sh - init minikube environment with default values
  • minikube-purge.sh - drop minikube instance
  • minikube-start.sh - start minikube instance
  • minikube-stop.sh - stop minikube instance


Misc commands

minikube ip
minikube event
minikube logs -f |grep example
minikube update-check
minikube ssh
minikube dashboard
minikube tunnel
minikube service xxxx

Minikube / Load and remove image (new)

minikube image load xxxx:latest
minikube image list
minikube image rm docker.io/library/xxxx:latest

Minikube / Load and remove image (old)

minikube cache add xxxx:latest
minikube cache list
minikube cache reload
minikube cache delete xxxx:latest

Minikube / Reference


Minikube / Network



Commun Commands

# docker run

# build
docker build . -t test-build:latest

# start container
docker stop test-build
docker rm test-build
docker run --name test-build -d test-build:latest bash -c "tail -f /dev/null"

# access to container prompt
docker exec -it test-build /bin/sh

# restart container if stopped
docker restart test-build

# container log
docker logs test-build

# copy file
docker exec test-build cp /source/file.txt /target/file.txt

# push image to docker hub
# https://docs.docker.com/docker-hub/access-tokens/
docker image tag ansible-master:latest <user>/ansible-master:latest
docker image push <user>/ansible-master:latest
docker login -u <user>
docker image push <user>/ansible-master:latest

Docker / Optimize local ressource

The Minikube recent update(v1.24.0) supports to start Minikube VM without starting any Kubernetes in it used the flag --no-kubernetes

minikube config unset kubernetes-version

Docker / Volume

Volume Mount - option 1

# step 1- mount the disk on the laptop to the Hyperkit VM
minikube mount /myvolume:/test

# step 2- run docker
docker run --rm -it -v /test:/inside busybox /bin/sh

ssh to minikube to view the volume /test
minikube ssh

# ex 2
minikube mount $(pwd)/workdir:/workdir
docker run --name test-build -v /workdir:/workdir -d test-build:latest test-build

Volume Mount - option 2

stop minikube
minikube stop

# start minikube with volument mount
minikube start --mount --mount-string="/private/var/services/:/private/var/services/"

# volume will be created inside the minikube vm
docker run -d --name redis -p 6379:6379 -v /private/var/services/redis:/data redis:5.0.3

Volume Mount - option 3


# mac alternative - Volume mount (but can be also run under linux)

ssh-keygen -R $(minikube ip)
scp -ri "$(minikube ssh-key)" "$PWD" docker@$(minikube ip):/tmp

# start container
docker run --name node_build -v /tmp:/source -d ubuntu:22.10 bash -c "tail -f /dev/null"

Docker / Network

# configure minikube cluster with new bridge ip
minikube start --docker-opt=bip=

# docker restore bridge ip
minikube start --live-restore

# check docker network
ip a show dev docker0

docker network list
docker network ls
docker inspect bridge
docker inspect bridge |jq '.[0].IPAM.Config[0].Gateway'
docker port xxxx:latest

# When running standard docker compose commands you might need an additional port forward to access your containers
ssh -i ~/.minikube/machines/minikube/id_rsa docker@$(minikube ip) -L '*:19088:' -N
# Hint: The first port is on the host, the second the post exposed by the container inside minikube.

# add minikube ip to /etc/hosts if want
echo "`minikube ip` docker.local" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts > /dev/null

Docker / Build

docker build -t myssh:v1 .

Docker / Run + Daemon

docker run -d -P --name mytest myssh:v1

Docker + Vscode Editor -> Dev container



README.md - table content / markdown generator


markdown-toc -i README.md