
Grow more... buy less

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Grow.it: grow more... buy less

HTML5,CSS3 and JS Bootstrap React NodeJS MongoDB Skylab


Grow it is a collaborative urban orchards platform. Intended to connect people having space to grow with people with time to attend and possibly share harvests between all of them.

Functional description

This application allows to connect people through a growing community of owned plantations. A user can create an orchard or collaborate in another ones, look for consulting, share the harvest surplus, etc.

Contacts between users are possible by mail.

Use cases


landing_page about_us register_user register_orchard search orchard orchard_admin manage_collaborators manage_plantations


Technical description

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Javascript
  • Node
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • React

General structure


Data model

Data model

Client app


API client

HTTP connector client using request-promise

API server

3 layers separation:

  • Routes/handlers: I/O layer
  • Logic: implement business logic
  • Models: define Mongoose schemas

API reference detailed in API server

Sprint plan

Fecha Planificación
2018-03-09 Kick-off meeting
2018-03-12 Documented README.MD, with datamodel, mockup & sprint plan
2018-03-14 Doc improvements, design & build front-end
2018-03-16 Read-only appp deployed to surge, no-funcional React components implementation, API server y MongoDB defined
2018-03-19 React functionality: basic funtions. TDD API testing
2018-03-21 React functionality: advanced funtions & bug fixes. Functional connection between entre Front-end, API Server and MongoDB
2018-03-23 Basic functional application deployed
2018-03-28 Improvements, bug testing, hotfixes
2018-03-30 Demo day

