
Timeout decorator with defaults and exceptions.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Timeout wrapper

https://badge.fury.io/py/timeout_wrapper.png https://pypip.in/d/timeout_wrapper/badge.png

Timeout decorator with defaults and exceptions.


Usage of this decorator is really simple - to set the timeout, just add @timeout(time) decorator to your function definition:

@timeout(3)  # 3 seconds
def myfunc(..):

If the myfunc() call timeouts, TimeoutException is raised.

Optionally, you can also set your own message for exception:

@timeout(3, exception_message="Oh noez")
def myfunc(..):

or use default value, instead of exception:

@timeout(3, False):
def myfunc(..):

Thats all.


Module is hosted at PYPI, and can be easily installed using PIP:

sudo pip install timeout_wrapper