
Contribute better algorithms 🙏

Primary LanguageC

System Software Lab

  • KTU - CS331


Part A
  1. Simulate the following non-preemptive CPU scheduling algorithms to find turnaround time and waiting time.

    • FCFS
    • SJF
    • Round Robin (pre-emptive)
    • Priority
  2. Simulate the following file allocation strategies.

    • Sequential
    • Indexed
    • Linked
  3. Implement the different paging techniques of memory management.

  4. Simulate the following file organization techniques.

    • Single Level Directory
    • Two Level Directory
    • Hierarchical
  5. Implement the banker’s algorithm for deadlock avoidance.

  6. Simulate the following disk scheduling algorithms.

    • FCFS
    • SCAN
    • C-SCAN
  7. Simulate the following page replacement algorithms.

    • FIFO
    • LRU
    • LFU
  8. Implement the producer-consumer problem using semaphores.

  9. Write a program to simulate the working of the dining philosopher's problem.

Part B
  1. Implement the symbol table functions: create, insert, modify, search, and display.

  2. Implement pass one of a two pass assembler.

  3. Implement pass two of a two pass assembler.

  4. Implement a single pass assembler.

  5. Implement a two pass macro processor.

  6. Implement a single pass macro processor.

  7. Implement an absolute loader.

  8. Implement a relocating loader.

  9. Implement pass one of a direct-linking loader.

  10. Implement pass two of a direct-linking loader.

  11. Implement a simple text editor with features like insertion / deletion of a character, word, and sentence.

  12. Implement a symbol table with suitable hashing.