
cse442-semester-project-smashing created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to Our Project

To install and run our project here are the steps required:

  1. Install nodejs and expo: https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/get-started/installation/
  2. clone repo, cd into "project"
  3. npm install
  4. expo start (runs the project)
  5. when the expo window loads, you'll be given an option for a device to run it on
    We've found the most reliable option is to download the expo app on your phone and scan the QR code in the bottom left

Packages we're using and resources:

  1. React Native Game Engine (RNGE) - used to create the game loop and render objects
    - https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-game-engine - page includes documentation and tutorial
    - https://github.com/bberak/react-native-game-engine-handbook - useful to see different implementations
  2. MatterJS - Physics engine used for collision detection and applying forces to objects
    - https://brm.io/matter-js/ - matterjs home
    - https://brm.io/matter-js/docs/ - documentation
  3. Tutorials/walkthroughs
    - https://medium.com/better-programming/flappy-bird-with-react-native-game-engine-and-matter-js-d5673f50eb9 - flappy bird
    - https://medium.com/@williamyang93/my-journey-with-react-native-game-engine-part-i-starting-the-project-bbebcd2ccf6