
Logs Analysis Project

Primary LanguagePython



Database: news - Data can be found here

Interpreter: Python 2 or Python 3

Libraries: psycopg2

An environment running PostgreSQL

This project was created using a VirtualBox/Vagrant with Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS.


This repository covers the requirements for Udacity - Full Stack Web Development Project 3.

The project performs the following tasks:

  1. List the three most popular articles (sorted by views)
  2. List the three most popular authors (sorted by views)
  3. List all the dates with a request error rate greater than 1%

To run this project:

  • Load the data to the database by running: psql -d news -f newsdata.sql
  • Run psql -d news -f logs_views.sql to create the views
  • Run loganalysis.py with the line ./logsanalysis.py or python logsanalysis.py

Views used for Log Analysis

1. article_popularity

Join articles and log tables by articles.slug

CREATE VIEW article_popularity as
select  articles.title,
        count(log.id) as count
from articles
left join (select replace(log.path,'/article/','') as new_path, id from log) log
  on articles.slug = log.new_path
group by articles.title;

2. author_popularity

Join authors and articles tables by author.id Count ocurrences by joining tables by articles.slug

CREATE VIEW author_popularity as
select  authors.name,
        count(log.id) as count
from articles
left join (select replace(log.path,'/article/','') as new_path, id from log) log
  on articles.slug = log.new_path
left join
  authors on articles.author = authors.id
group by authors.name;

3. request_proportions

Calculate percentage of total for each request on each day

create view request_proportions as
select log_dt.date,
      count/ sum(count) over(partition by log_dt.date) as percent_total
from (select log.date,
        count(log.id) as count
from (select log.status, log.id, cast(log.time as DATE) date from log) log
group by log.date, log.status) log_dt;