LiveCTF 2022

This is an initial release after the end of the CTF. We will clean up the cobwebs after we get some rest :)

Repository for storing challenges, infrastructure notes, streaming configuration and other version controlled bits of information for the DEF CON CTF final LiveCTF event.

Challenge structure

├── <challenge>
│   ├── challenge
│   │   ├──           # Commands for building challenge binary/binaries and handout
│   │   ├── Dockerfile         # Dockerfile for building challenge image
│   │   ├── flag               # If you don't know, you're probably in the wrong place
│   │   ├──             # Command(s) to start the challenge
│   │   └── src                # This is where the source for the challenge will go
│   │       └── challenge.c
│   └── solution
│       ├── requirements.txt   # Solution script requirements
│       └──           # Challenge solve script

Building challenges

  1. make -C base-image
  2. ./ build <challenge>

Managing challenges

Challenge management (creation/building/starting/stopping) is done through, which is a light wrapper around docker. See ./ --help for usage.

Adding a challenge

  1. ./ create <challenge> will copy the template challenge to a new challenge directory.
  2. Add your challenge source in <challenge>/challenge/src
  3. Change the flag in <challenge>/challenge/flag

(For challenges that include more than one source file + one binary):

  1. If needed, edit REQUIRED_PACKAGES in <challenge>/challenge/Dockerfile to include any extra build/runtime dependencies
  2. If needed, change the build commands in <challenge>/challenge/
  3. If needed, change HANDOUT_FILES in <challenge>/challenge/

Adding a solution for a challenge

  1. Add any pip requirements to <challenge>/solution/requirements.txt
  2. Put your solution script in <challenge>/solution/