
Primary LanguageElixir


Welcome to Guac, an Elixir/Phoenix based starting point for web apps dedicated to San Francisco food truck data.

Live demo: https://guac.fly.dev/

CSV Import

graph LR;
    Guac.CSV.ImportWorker-- Task.Supervisor -->Guac.CSV.Download;
    Guac.CSV.Download-- CSV Binary -->Guac.CSV.Importer;


Works in tandem with an Elixir Task.Supervisor to facilitate child process CSV imports. Ultimately, this could be promoted to something more robust, like an Oban worker.


Responsible for downloading the CSV binary to a tmp file path, via Briefly.


Parses the CSV binary, via NimbleCSV, then forwards the reduction to our applicaton context for persistence.

MacOS (non-Docker) Requirements

  • Postgres 14+
  • PostGIS extension
  • Elixir 1.14+

Recommended Local Setup

Using asdf package manager, install both Postgres and Elixir, as found in the asdf instructions:

ASDF Getting Started

Using brew package manager, install PostGIS as follows: brew install postgis

Starting the Phoenix web server

To start your server:

  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.setup
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server or inside IEx with iex -S mix phx.server
  • Via iex console, seed the latest data with the following: Guac.CSV.ImportWorker.perform
  • Navigate to http://localhost:4000