RomHeat backup - very basic backup


  • Initialize empty repo in your home directory
cd ~/
git clone <this_repo>
mkdir .rh_backups
cd .rh_backups
git init
touch .gitignore
  • Edit .gitignore to exclude bulky & unnecessary files (Pictures, Videos, chromium cache etc)

Add entries prefixed by wildcards '*' to exclude directories.

Do some dry runs with git add -n . to make sure they're being ignored


cd ~/
git clone

# Symlink the script to your home directory, set appropriate permissions
ln -s ~/.rh_backup/ ~/
chmod +x ~/

# Edit the .service file to match the appropriate path to the script
vim ~/
# Edit Line 6:

# Copy .service and .timer files to the appropriate systemd directory
# (on Arch Linux it was the one I've listed below)
cp ~/call-home/{*.service,*.timer} /etc/systemd/system/

# Edit .timer if desired (for example, the service is configured to run 30 minutes after boot, you could change that if you'd like)

# Start the timer, make sure it spins up without any errors
# NOTE that you're starting the timer, NOT the service!
systemctl start call-home.timer

# Enable the timer on startup
systemctl enable call-home.timer