- About the Project: Encouraging Your Ideas
- Running the project
- Database
- Optional: Build frontend
- Acknowledgment
EiDiA is a platform for file digitalization and collaboration in law and tax firms to solve the issue of inefficiency and intransparency of analog files by providing a central data storage.
It was developed within the course "Software Engineering for Business Applications - Master Course: Web Application Engineering" in the summer term 2020 at the Technical University of Munich.
Team members:
Install git from http://git-scm.com/. Install node.js and npm from http://nodejs.org/.
Clone this repository or download it as .zip:
git clone https://github.com/csehlke/EiDiA.git
cd EiDiA
npm install
node EiDiA_backend/index.js
This will start the backend on port 3000
webpack-dev-server --open --config EiDiA_frontend/webpack.dev.js
This will serve the frontend on port 8000.
To devstart the backend, use
nodemon EiDiA_backend/index.js
To devstart the frontend, use the same command already provided
webpack-dev-server --open --config EiDiA_frontend/webpack.dev.js
This will serve the frontend on port 8000.
- Create a new directory where your database will be stored
- Start the database server
mongod --dbpath relative/path/to/database
- The MongoDB URI should be set in
line 4.
const mongoDBUrl = 'YOUR MONGODB URL';
The database scheme is already set via Mongoose within the application.
To import a user into the database to begin with
- either run
mongorestore --db EiDiA-db dump/
- or start both the back- and frontend server and then manually insert this object into the
collection{ "username":"admin", "password":"$2a$08$JY2Ogc4SY3vTj2BbvfliIeFISQRGtIW4zFfwf8jhT1yEdBmYVO0A6" }
- either run
The initial user credentials (should be changed later on in the UI) are
- username: admin
- password: admin
webpack --config EiDiA_frontend/webpack.prod.js
After building the frontend, you now have a new folder in your EiDiA_frontend directory:
- contains all the files of your application and their dependencies.