
Cargo Commands

$ cargo create package_name
$ cargo build
$ cargo check
$ cargo run


  • Assignment is basically ownership transfer
    • Like move constructor in C++
  • If Copy trait is implemented, the value will be copied
    • Like copy constructor in C++
    • Primitive types have Copy trait
  • To borrow ownership, use reference

    At any given time, you can have either one mutable reference or any number of immutable references.

Managing Projects

  • Package
    • Defined by a single Cargo.toml
    • Consists of one or more crates
    • Zero or one library crates
    • No limit on binary crates
  • Crate
    • src/ a binary crate with the same name as the package
    • src/ a library crate with the same name as the package
    • and you can add more
  • Module
    • Define by mod name { ... }
    • Form a module tree rooted with crate
    • Bring into scope with use ...