This is Kotlin Based Mobile Application
An Android Application to maintain a record of our day to day life expanses
- Login screen with Gmail User sign in and register using firebase and google auth.
- A Login screen for User email sign in and register using firebase.
- A User detail screen to enter details such as name and budget.
- Home Screen displays net balance and net cash, credit, debit amount.
- Home Screen displays the pie chart of various transaction method.
- On clicking the transaction, detailed view for the transaction is displayed.
- The app profile button in the menu bar opens a user profile which displays the details entered during login and can edit it.
- Displays upcoming transactions of the month.
- Once the Navigation to navigate between different fragments.
- Home Scr expense for the month is added, a month card gets added to the screen automatically.
- On clicking the month card, detailed view for the month is displayed.
- The app calendar button in the menu bar opens a calendar view which displays the transactions for a particular day.
You need to have Android Studio installed on your device and create an Android Virtual Device to run full Android OS and test the application.
- Clone the repository in a directory of your choice
- Open the Expense Manager folder with Android Studio
- Build the gradle file
- Now you can test the application on either android virtual device or your android device