
Building blockchain from scratch using crystal for Toptal Blog (https://www.toptal.com/blockchain/crystal-programming-language-tutorial)

Primary LanguageCrystalMIT LicenseMIT

Creating a CryptoCoin using The Crystal Programming Language

This post is my attempt to understand the key aspects of the blockchain by exploring the internals. I started by reading the original bitcoin whitepaper, but I felt the only way to truly understand the blockchain is by building a new cryptocurrency from scratch.

That's why I decided to create a cryptocurrency using the Crystal programming language, which I dubbed CrystalCoin. This article won’t discuss algorithm choices, hash difficulty, or similar topics. Instead, the focus will be on detailing a concrete example, which should provide a deeper, hands-on understanding of the strengths and limitations of blockchains.

If you haven’t read it yet, I suggest you take a look at Demir Selmanovic's article Cryptocurrency for Dummies: Bitcoin and Beyond.

Why Choose Crystal Lang?

For a better demonstration, I wanted to use a productive language like Ruby without compromising the performance. Cryptocurrency has many time consuming computations (namely mining and hashing), and that's why compiled languages such as C++ and Java are the languages of choice for building “real” cryptocurrencies. That being said, I wanted to use a language with a cleaner syntax so I could keep development fun and allow better readability.


So, why did I decide to use the Crystal programming language? Crystal’s syntax is heavily inspired by Ruby’s, so for me it feels natural to read and easy to write. It has the added benefit of a lower learning curve, specially for experienced Ruby developers.

This is how the Crystal lang team puts it at their official website:

Fast as C, slick as Ruby.

However, unlike Ruby or JavaScript, which are interpreted languages, Crystal is a compiled language, making it much faster and offering a lower memory footprint. Under the hood, it uses LLVM for compiling to native code.

Crystal is also statically typed, which means the compiler will help you catch type errors in compile-time.

I'm not going to explain why I consider Crystal language awesome because it is beyond the scope of this article, but if you don’t find my optimisim convincing, feel free to check out this article for a better overview of Crystal’s potential.

Note: This article assumes you already have a basic understanding of Object Oriented Programming (OOP).


So, what is a blockchain? It’s a list (chain) of blocks linked and secured by digital fingerprints (also known as crypto hashes).

The easiest way to think of it as a linked list data structure. That being said a linked list only required to have a reference to the previous element, a block must have an identifier depending on the previous block’s identifier, meaning that you cannot replace a block without recomputing every single block that comes after.

For now think of blockchain as a series of blocks with some data, linked with a chain, the chain being the hash of the previous block.

The entire blockchain would exist on each one of the node that wants to interact with it, meaning it is copied on each one of the nodes in the network. So, no single server hosts it, which makes it decentralized.

Yes this is weird compared to the conventional centralized systems. Each of the nodes will have a copy of the entire blockchain (> 149 Gb in Bitcoin blockchain by December 2017).

Hashing & Digital Signature

So, what is this hash function? Think of the hash as a function, that when we give it a text/object it would return a unique fingerprint. Even the smallest change in the input object would change the finger print dramatically.

There are different hashing algorithms, in this article we'll be using SHA256 hash algorithm, which is the one used in Bitcoin.

Using SHA256 we'll always resulting a 64 hexadecimal chars (256 bit) in length even if the input is less than 256 bit or much bigger than 256 bit:

Input Hashed Results
Toptal 2e4e500e20f1358224c08c7fb7d3e0e9a5e4ab7a013bfd6774dfa54d7684dd21
Toptal. 12075307ce09a6859601ce9d451d385053be80238ea127c5df6e6611eed7c6f0

Note with the last example, that just adding a . (dot) resulted a dramatical changes in the hash.

Therefore, in a blockchain, the chain is built by passing the block data into a hashing algorithm that would generate a hash, which is linked to the next block, henceforth, forming a series of blocks linked with the hashes of the previous blocks.

Building CrystalCoin project

Now let's start creating our Crystal project and build our SHA256 encryption.

Assuming you have your Crystal installed, let's create the skeleton of CrystalCoin codebase by using Crystal's built-in project tooling crystal init app [name]:

% crystal init app crystal_coin
      create  crystal_coin/.gitignore
      create  crystal_coin/.editorconfig
      create  crystal_coin/LICENSE
      create  crystal_coin/README.md
      create  crystal_coin/.travis.yml
      create  crystal_coin/shard.yml
      create  crystal_coin/src/crystal_coin.cr
      create  crystal_coin/src/crystal_coin/version.cr
      create  crystal_coin/spec/spec_helper.cr
      create  crystal_coin/spec/crystal_coin_spec.cr
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/eki/code/crystal_coin/.git/

This command will create the basic structure for the project, with an already initialized git repository, license and readme files. It also comes with stubs for tests, and the shard.yml for describing the project and managing dependencies, also known as shards.

Let’s add the openssl shard, which is needed to build SHA256 algorithm:

# shard.yml
    github: datanoise/openssl.cr

Once that's in, head back into your terminal and run crystal deps. Doing this will pull down openssl and its dependencies for us to utilise

Now we have the required library installed in our code, let's start by defining Block class and then building the hash function.

# src/crystal_coin/block.cr

require "openssl"

module CrystalCoin
  class Block

    def initialize(data : String)
      @data = data

    def hash
      hash = OpenSSL::Digest.new("SHA256")

puts CrystalCoin::Block.new("Hello, Cryptos!").hash

You can now test your application by running crystal run crystal src/crystal_coin/block.cr from your terminal

crystal_coin [master●] % crystal src/crystal_coin/block.cr

Design our Blockchain

Each block is stored with a timestamp and, optionally, an index. In CrystalCoin, we’re going to store both. And to help ensure integrity throughout the blockchain, each block will have a self identifying hash. Like Bitcoin, each block’s hash will be a cryptographic hash of the block’s (index, timestamp, data, and the hash of the previous block’s hash previous_hash). The data can be anything you want for now.

module CrystalCoin
  class Block

    property current_hash : String

    def initialize(index = 0, data = "data", previous_hash = "hash")
      @data = data
      @index = index
      @timestamp = Time.now
      @previous_hash = previous_hash
      @current_hash = hash_block

    private def hash_block
      hash = OpenSSL::Digest.new("SHA256")

puts CrystalCoin::Block.new(data: "Same Data").current_hash

In Crystal, we replace Ruby's attr_accessor, attr_getter and attr_setter methods with new keywords:

Ruby Keyword Crystal Keyword
attr_accessor property
attr_reader getter
attr_writer setter

Another thing you might noticed that in Crystal is that we want to hint the compiler about specific types through our code. Crystal infers the types, but whenever you have ambiguity you can explicitly declare types as well. That's why we added String types for current_hash.

Now let's run block.cr twice and note that the same data will generate different hashes because of the different timestamp:

crystal_coin [master●] % crystal src/crystal_coin/block.cr
crystal_coin [master●] % crystal src/crystal_coin/block.cr

Cool! We have our block structure, but we’re creating a blockchain. We need to start adding blocks to the actual chain. As I mentioned earlier, each block requires information from the previous block. But how does the first block in the blockchain get there? Well, the first block, or genesis block, is a special block (a block with no predecessors). In many cases, it’s added manually or has unique logic allowing it to be added.

We’ll create a new function that returns a genesis block. This block is of index=0, and it has an arbitrary data value and an arbitrary value in the previous_hash parameter.

Let's build or class method Block.first that generates the genesis block:

module CrystalCoin
  class Block

    def self.first(data="Genesis Block")
      Block.new(data: data, previous_hash: "0")


And let's test it out using p CrystalCoin::Block.first:

#<CrystalCoin::Block:0x10b33ac80 @current_hash="acb701a9b70cff5a0617d654e6b8a7155a8c712910d34df692db92455964d54e", @data="Genesis Block", @index=0, @timestamp=2018-05-13 17:54:02 +03:00, @previous_hash="0">

Now that we’re able to create a genesis block, we need a function that will generate succeeding blocks in the blockchain.

This function will take the previous block in the chain as a parameter, create the data for the block to be generated, and return the new block with its appropriate data. When new blocks hash information from previous blocks, the integrity of the blockchain increases with each new block.

An important consequence is that a block can’t be modified without changing the hash of every consecutive block. This is demonstrated in the example below. If the data in block 44 is changed from LOOP to EAST, all hashes of the consecutive blocks must be changed. This is because the hash of the block depends on the value of the previous_hash (among other things).


If we didn’t do this, it would be easier for an outside party to change the data and replace our chain with an entirely new one of their own. This chain of hashes acts as cryptographic proof and helps ensure that once a block is added to the blockchain it cannot be replaced or removed. Let's create the class method Block.next:

module CrystalCoin
  class Block

    def self.next(previous_node, data = "Transaction Data")
        data: "Transaction data number (#{previous_node.index + 1})",
        index: previous_node.index + 1,
        previous_hash: previous_hash.hash

Let's try it out all together, we'll create a simple blockchain. The first element of the list is the genesis block. And of course, we need to add the succeeding blocks. We'll create five new blocks to demonstrate CrystalCoin:

blockchain = [ CrystalCoin::Block.first ]

previous_block = blockchain[0]

5.times do
  new_block  = CrystalCoin::Block.next(previous_block: previous_block)
  blockchain << new_block
  previous_block = new_block

p blockchain
  @timestamp=2018-06-04 12:13:21 +03:00,
  @timestamp=2018-06-04 12:13:21 +03:00,
  @timestamp=2018-06-04 12:13:21 +03:00,
  @timestamp=2018-06-04 12:13:21 +03:00,
  @timestamp=2018-06-04 12:13:21 +03:00,
  @timestamp=2018-06-04 12:13:21 +03:00,


A Proof of Work algorithm (PoW) is how new Blocks are created or mined on the blockchain. The goal of PoW is to discover a number which solves a problem. The number must be difficult to find but easy to verify computationally by anyone on the network. This is the core idea behind Proof of Work.

Let's explain by an example so things will get clearer.

We'll assume that the hash of some integer x multiplied by another y must starts with 00. So:

hash(x * y) = 00ac23dc...

And for this simplified example, let’s fix x=5. Implementing this in Crystal:

x = 5
y = 0

while hash((x*y).to_s)[0..1] != "00"
  y += 1

puts "The solution is y = #{y}"
puts "Hash(#{x}*#{y}) = #{hash((x*y).to_s)}"

Let's run the code:

crystal_coin [master●●] % time crystal src/crystal_coin/pow.cr
The solution is y = 530
Hash(5*530) = 00150bc11aeeaa3cdbdc1e27085b0f6c584c27e05f255e303898dcd12426f110
crystal src/crystal_coin/pow.cr  1.53s user 0.23s system 160% cpu 1.092 total

As you can see this number y=530 was hard to find (brute-force), but easy to verify using the hash function.

Why to bother with this PoW algorithm? We don't just create one hash per block and that's it. A hash must be valid. In our case, a hash will be valid if the first two characters of our hash are 00. If our hash starts with 00......, it is considered valid. This is called the difficulty. The higher the difficulty, the longer it takes to get a valid hash.

But, if the hash is not valid the first time, something must change in the data we use. If we use the same data over and over, we will get the same hash over and over and our hash will never be valid. We use something called nonce in our hash (in our previous example it's the y). It is simply a number that we increment each time the hash is not valid. We get our data (date, message, previous hash, index) and a nonce of 1. If the hash we get with these is not valid, we try with a nonce of 2. And we increment the nonce until we get a valid hash.

In Bitcoin, the Proof of Work algorithm is called Hashcash. Let's add a proof-of-work to our Block class and start mining to find the nonce. We'll use a hard-coded difficulty of two leading zeros '00':

Now let's redesign our Block class to support that. Our CrystalCoin Block will contain the follwoing attributes:

1) index: indicates the index of the block ex: 0,1
2) timestamp: timestamp in epoch, number of seconds since 1 Jan 1970
3) data: the actual data that needs to be stored on blockchain.
4) previous_hash: the hash of the previous block, this is the chain/link between the blocks
5) nonce: this is the number that is to be mined/found.
6) currnt_hash: The hash value of the current block, this is generated by combining all the above attributes and passing it to a hashing algorithm


I'll create a separate module to do the hashing and find the nonce so we keep our code clean and modular. I'll call it proof_of_work.cr:

require "openssl"

module CrystalCoin
  module ProofOfWork

    private def proof_of_work(difficulty = "00")
      nonce = 0
      loop do
        hash = calc_hash_with_nonce(nonce)
        if hash[0..1] == difficulty
          return nonce
          nonce += 1

    private def calc_hash_with_nonce(nonce = 0)
      sha = OpenSSL::Digest.new("SHA256")

Our Block class would look something like:

require "./proof_of_work"

module CrystalCoin
  class Block
    include ProofOfWork

    property current_hash : String
    property index : Int32
    property nonce : Int32
    property previous_hash : String

    def initialize(index = 0, data = "data", previous_hash = "hash")
      @data = data
      @index = index
      @timestamp = Time.now
      @previous_hash = previous_hash
      @nonce = proof_of_work
      @current_hash = calc_hash_with_nonce(@nonce)

    def self.first(data = "Genesis Block")
      Block.new(data: data, previous_hash: "0")

    def self.next(previous_block, data = "Transaction Data")
        data: "Transaction data number (#{previous_block.index + 1})",
        index: previous_block.index + 1,
        previous_hash: previous_block.current_hash

Few things to note about Crystal code. In Crystal methods are public by default, Crystal requires each private method to be prefixed with the private keyword which could be confusing coming from Ruby.

You might noticed that for Crystal's Integer types there are Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, or UInt64 compared to Ruby's Fixnum. true and false are values in the Bool class rather than values in classes TrueClass or FalseClass in Ruby.

Crystal has optional and named method arguments as core language features, and does not require writing special code for handling the arguments which is pretty cool. Check out Block#initialize(index = 0, data = "data", previous_hash = "hash") and then calling it with something like Block.new(data: data, previous_hash: "0").

For a more detailed list of differences between Crystal and Ruby programming language check out Crystal for Rubyists.

Now, let's try to create 5 transactions using:

blockchain = [ CrystalCoin::Block.first ]
puts blockchain.inspect
previous_block = blockchain[0]

5.times do |i|
  new_block  = CrystalCoin::Block.next(previous_block: previous_block)
  blockchain << new_block
  previous_block = new_block
  puts new_block.inspect
[#<CrystalCoin::Block:0x108f8fea0 @current_hash="0088ca080a49334e1cb037ed4c42795d635515ef1742e6bcf439bf0f95711759", @index=0, @nonce=17, @timestamp=2018-05-14 17:20:46 +03:00, @data="Genesis Block", @previous_hash="0">]
#<CrystalCoin::Block:0x108f8f660 @current_hash="001bc2b04d7ad8ef25ada30e2bde19d7bbbbb3ad42348017036b0d4974d0ccb0", @index=1, @nonce=24, @timestamp=2018-05-14 17:20:46 +03:00, @data="Transaction data number (1)", @previous_hash="0088ca080a49334e1cb037ed4c42795d635515ef1742e6bcf439bf0f95711759">
#<CrystalCoin::Block:0x109fc5ba0 @current_hash="0019256c998028111838b872a437cd8adced53f5e0f8f43388a1dc4654844fe5", @index=2, @nonce=61, @timestamp=2018-05-14 17:20:46 +03:00, @data="Transaction data number (2)", @previous_hash="001bc2b04d7ad8ef25ada30e2bde19d7bbbbb3ad42348017036b0d4974d0ccb0">
#<CrystalCoin::Block:0x109fdc300 @current_hash="0080a30d0da33426a1d4f36d870d9eb709eaefb0fca62cc68e497169c5368b97", @index=3, @nonce=149, @timestamp=2018-05-14 17:20:46 +03:00, @data="Transaction data number (3)", @previous_hash="0019256c998028111838b872a437cd8adced53f5e0f8f43388a1dc4654844fe5">
#<CrystalCoin::Block:0x109ff58a0 @current_hash="00074399d51c700940e556673580a366a37dec16671430141f6013f04283a484", @index=4, @nonce=570, @timestamp=2018-05-14 17:20:46 +03:00, @data="Transaction data number (4)", @previous_hash="0080a30d0da33426a1d4f36d870d9eb709eaefb0fca62cc68e497169c5368b97">
#<CrystalCoin::Block:0x109fde120 @current_hash="00720bb6e562a25c19ecd2b277925057626edab8981ff08eb13773f9bb1cb842", @index=5, @nonce=475, @timestamp=2018-05-14 17:20:46 +03:00, @data="Transaction data number (5)", @previous_hash="00074399d51c700940e556673580a366a37dec16671430141f6013f04283a484">

See the difference? Now all hashes start with 00. That's the magic of the proof-of-work. Using ProofOfWork we found the nonce and proof is the hash with the matching difficulty, that is, the two leading zeros 00.

Note with the first block we created, we tried 17 nonces until finding the matching lucky number:

Block Loops / Number of Hash calculations
#0 17
#1 24
#2 61
#3 149
#4 570
#5 475

Now let's try a difficulty of four leading zeros (difficulty="0000"):

Block Loops / Number of Hash calculations
#1 26 762
#2 68 419
#3 23 416
#4 15 353

In the first block tried 26762 nonces (compare 17 nonces with difficulty '00') until finding the matching lucky number.

Our Blockchain as an API

So far, so good. We created our simple blockchain and it was relatively easy to make. But the problem here is that CrystalCoin can only ran on one single machine (it's not distributed/decentralized).

From now on we'll start using JSON data for CrystalCoin, the data will be transactions, so each block’s data field will be a list of transactions.

Each transaction will be a JSON object detailing the sender of the coin, the receiver of the coin, and the amount of CrystalCoin that is being transferred:

  "from": "71238uqirbfh894-random-public-key-a-alkjdflakjfewn204ij",
  "to": "93j4ivnqiopvh43-random-public-key-b-qjrgvnoeirbnferinfo",
  "amount": 3

A few modifications to our Block class to support the new transaction format (previously called data). So, just to avoid confusion and maintain consistency, we'll be using the term transaction to refer to data posted in our example application from now on.

We'll introduce a new simple class Transaction:

module CrystalCoin
  class Block
    class Transaction

      property from : String
      property to : String
      property amount : Int32

      def initialize(@from, @to, @amount)

The transactions are packed into blocks. So a block can contain one or many transactions. The blocks containing the transactions are generated frequently and added to the blockchain.

The blockchain is supposed to be a collection of blocks. We can store all of the blocks in the Crystal list, and that's why we introduce the new class Blockchain:

Blockchain will have chain and uncommitted_transactions arrays. The chain will include all the mined blocks in the blockchain, and uncommitted_transactions will have all the transactions that has not been added to the blockchain (still not mined). Once we initialize Blockchain, we create the genesis block using Block.first and add it to chain array, and we add an empty uncommitted_transactions array.

We will create Blockchain#add_transaction method to add transactions to uncommitted_transactions array.

Let's build our new Blockchain class:

require "./block"
require "./transaction"

module CrystalCoin
  class Blockchain
    getter chain
    getter uncommitted_transactions

    def initialize
      @chain = [ Block.first ]
      @uncommitted_transactions = [] of Block::Transaction

    def add_transaction(transaction)
      @uncommitted_transactions << transaction

In Block class we will start using transactions instead of data:

module CrystalCoin
  class Block
    include ProofOfWork

    def initialize(index = 0, transactions = [] of Transaction, previous_hash = "hash")
      @transactions = transactions


    def self.next(previous_block, transactions = [] of Transaction)
        transactions: transactions,
        index: previous_block.index + 1,
        previous_hash: previous_block.current_hash


Now that we know what our transactions will look like, we need a way to add them to one of the computers in our blockchain network, called a node. To do that, we’ll create a simple HTTP server.

We'll create four end-points:

  • [POST]/transactions/new: to create a new transaction to a block
  • [GET] /mine: to tell our server to mine a new block.
  • [GET] /chain: to return the full blockchain in JSON format.
  • [GET] /pending: to return the pending transactions (uncommitted_transactions).

We're going to use Kermal web framework. It’s a micro-framework and it makes it easy to map endpoints to Crystal functions. Kemal is heavily influenced by Sinatra for Rubyists, and works in a very similar way. If you are looking for Ruby on Rails equivalent then check out Amber.

Our server will form a single node in our blockchain network. Let's first add Kemal to the shard.yml file as a and install the dependency:

    github: kemalcr/kemal

Now let's build the skeleton of our HTTP server:

# src/server.cr

require "kemal"
require "./crystal_coin"

# Generate a globally unique address for this node
node_identifier = UUID.random.to_s

# Create our Blockchain
blockchain = Blockchain.new

get "/chain" do
  "Send the blockchain as json objects"

get "/mine" do
  "We'll mine a new Block"

get "/pending" do
  "Send pending transactions as json objects"

post "/transactions/new" do
  "We'll add a new transaction"


And run the server:

crystal_coin [master●●] % crystal run src/server.cr
[development] Kemal is ready to lead at

Let's make sure the server is working fine:

% curl
Send the blockchain as json objects%

Ok, so far so good. Now we can proceed with implementing each of the endpoints. Let's start with implementing /transactions/new and pending end-points:

get "/pending" do
  { transactions: blockchain.uncommitted_transactions }.to_json

post "/transactions/new" do |env|

  transaction = CrystalCoin::Block::Transaction.new(
    from: env.params.json["from"].as(String),
    to:  env.params.json["to"].as(String),
    amount:  env.params.json["amount"].as(Int64)



  "Transaction #{transaction} has been added to the node"

Straight forward implementation. We just create a CrystalCoin::Block::Transaction object and add the transaction to the uncommitted_transactions array using Blockchain#add_transaction.

At the moment, the transactions are initially stored in a pool of uncommitted_transactions. The process of putting the unconfirmed transactions in a block and computing Proof of Work (PoW) is known as the mining of blocks. Once the nonce satisfying our constraints is figured out, we can say that a block has been mined, and the block is put into the blockchain.

In CrystalCoin, we’ll use the simple Proof-of-Work algorithm we created earlier. To create a new block, a miner’s computer will have to:

  • Find the last block in the chain.
  • Find pending transactions (uncommitted_transactions).
  • Create a new block using Block.next.
  • Add the mined block to chain array.
  • Clean up uncommitted_transactions array.

So to implement /mine end-point, let's first implement the above steps in Blockchain#mine:

module CrystalCoin
  class Blockchain
    include Consensus

    BLOCK_SIZE = 25


    def mine
       raise "No transactions to be mined" if @uncommitted_transactions.empty?

       new_block = Block.next(
         previous_block: @chain.last,
         transactions: @uncommitted_transactions.shift(BLOCK_SIZE)

       @chain << new_block

We make sure first we have some pending transactions to mine. Then we get the last block using @chain.last, and the first 25 transactions to be mined (we are using Array#shift(BLOCK_SIZE) to return an array of the first 25 uncommitted_transactions, and then remove the elements starting at index 0).

Now let's implement /mine end-point:

get "/mine" do
  "Block with index=#{blockchain.chain.last.index} is mined."

And for /chain end-point:

get "/chain" do
  { chain: blockchain.chain }.to_json

Interacting with our Blockchain

We'll be using cURL to interact with our API over a network.

First let's fire up the server:

crystal_coin [master] % crystal run src/server.cr
[development] Kemal is ready to lead at

Then let's create two new transactions by making a POST requests to http://localhost:3000/transactions/new with a body containing our transaction structure:

crystal_coin [master●] % curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"from": "eki", "to":"iron_man", "amount": 1000}'
Transaction #<CrystalCoin::Block::Transaction:0x10c4159f0 @from="eki", @to="iron_man", @amount=1000_i64> has been added to the node%
crystal_coin [master●] % curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"from": "eki", "to":"hulk", "amount": 700}'
Transaction #<CrystalCoin::Block::Transaction:0x10c415810 @from="eki", @to="hulk", @amount=700_i64> has been added to the node%

Now let's list the pending transactions (transactions that has not been added to the block yet):

crystal_coin [master●] % curl

So far so good, we can see, the two transactions we created earlier have been added to the uncommitted_transactions.

Now let's mine the two transactions by making a GET request to

crystal_coin [master●] % curl
Block with index=1 is mined.

Nice, sounds we successfully mined the first block and added it to our chain. Let's double check our chain and if it includes the mined block:

crystal_coin [master●] % curl
  "chain": [
      "index": 0,
      "current_hash": "00d469d383005b4303cfa7321c02478ce76182564af5d16e1a10d87e31e2cb30",
      "nonce": 363,
      "previous_hash": "0",
      "transactions": [

      "timestamp": "2018-05-23T01:59:52+0300"
      "index": 1,
      "current_hash": "003c05da32d3672670ba1e25ecb067b5bc407e1d5f8733b5e33d1039de1a9bf1",
      "nonce": 320,
      "previous_hash": "00d469d383005b4303cfa7321c02478ce76182564af5d16e1a10d87e31e2cb30",
      "transactions": [
          "from": "ekis",
          "to": "huslks",
          "amount": 7090
          "from": "ekis",
          "to": "huslks",
          "amount": 70900
      "timestamp": "2018-05-23T02:02:38+0300"

Consensus and decentralization

This is very cool. We’ve got a basic blockchain that accepts transactions and allows us to mine new blocks. But the code that we've implemented till now is meant to run on a single computer, while the whole point of Blockchains is that they should be decentralized. And if they’re decentralized, how we ensure that they all reflect the same chain? This is called the problem of Consensus.

We’ll have to implement a Consensus Algorithm if we want more than one node in our network.

Registering new Nodes

To implement a Consensus Algorithm, we need a way to let a node know about neighbouring nodes on the network. Each node on our network should keep a registry of other nodes on the network. Thus, we’ll need some more endpoints:

  • [POST] /nodes/register: to accept a list of new nodes in the form of URLs.
  • [GET]: /nodes/resolve: to implement our Consensus Algorithm, which resolves any conflicts—to ensure a node has the correct chain.

We’ll need to modify our Blockchain’s constructor and provide a method for registering nodes:

--- a/src/crystal_coin/blockchain.cr
+++ b/src/crystal_coin/blockchain.cr
@@ -7,10 +7,12 @@ module CrystalCoin

     getter chain
     getter uncommitted_transactions
+    getter nodes

     def initialize
       @chain = [ Block.first ]
       @uncommitted_transactions = [] of Block::Transaction
+      @nodes = Set(String).new [] of String

     def add_transaction(transaction)

Note that we’ve used a Set data structure with String type to hold the list of nodes. This is a cheap way of ensuring that the addition of new nodes is idempotent, and that no matter how many times we add a specific node, it appears exactly once.

Now let's add a new module to Consensus and implement the first method register_node(address):

require "uri"

module CrystalCoin
  module Consensus
    def register_node(address : String)
      uri = URI.parse(address)
      node_address = "#{uri.scheme}:://#{uri.host}"
      node_address = "#{node_address}:#{uri.port}" unless uri.port.nil?
      raise "Invalid URL"

The register_node function, will parse the URL of the node and format it.

And here let's create /nodes/register end-point:

post "/nodes/register" do |env|
  nodes = env.params.json["nodes"].as(Array)

  raise "Empty array" if nodes.empty?

  nodes.each do |node|

  "New nodes have been added: #{blockchain.nodes}"

Now with this implementation we might face a problem with multiple nodes. The copy of chains of a few nodes can differ. In that case, we need to agree upon some version of the chain to maintain the integrity of the entire system. We need to achieve consensus.

To resolve this, we’ll make the rule that the longest valid chain is the one to be used. Using this algorithm, we reach consensus amongst the nodes in our network. The reason behind this approach is that the longest chain is a good estimate of the most amount of work done:


module CrystalCoin
  module Consensus

    def resolve
      updated = false

      @nodes.each do |node|
        node_chain = parse_chain(node)
        return unless node_chain.size > @chain.size
        return unless valid_chain?(node_chain)
        @chain = node_chain
        updated = true
      rescue IO::Timeout
        puts "Timeout!"



resolve is a method which loops through all our neighbouring nodes, downloads their chains and verifies them using the valid_chain? method. If a valid chain is found, whose length is greater than ours, we replace ours.

Now let's implement parse_chain() and valid_chain?() private methods:

module CrystalCoin
  module Consensus

    private def parse_chain(node : String)
      node_url = URI.parse("#{node}/chain")
      node_chain = HTTP::Client.get(node_url)
      node_chain = JSON.parse(node_chain.body)["chain"].to_json


    private def valid_chain?(node_chain)
      previous_hash = "0"

      node_chain.each do |block|
        current_block_hash = block.current_hash

        return false if current_block_hash != block.current_hash
        return false if previous_hash != block.previous_hash
        return false if current_block_hash[0..1] != "00"
        previous_hash = block.current_hash

      return true

For parse_chain() we:

  • Issue a GET HTTP request using HTTP::Client.get to /chain end-point.
  • Parse the /chain JSON response using JSON.parse.
  • Extract an array of CrystalCoin::Block objects from the JSON blob that was returned using Array(CrystalCoin::Block).from_json(node_chain). We used Crystal's super-handy JSON.mapping functionality that allowed us to use ObjectType.from_json(json_response). In our case we had to define JSON.mapping in CrystalCoin::Block object something like:
module CrystalCoin
  class Block

      index: Int32,
      current_hash: String,
      nonce: Int32,
      previous_hash: String,
      transactions: Array(Transaction),
      timestamp: Time


Now for Blockchain#valid_chain?, we iterate through all of the blocks, and for each we:

  • Recalculate the hash for the block using Block#recalculate_hash and check that the hash of the block is correct:
module CrystalCoin
  class Block

    def recalculate_hash
      @nonce = proof_of_work
      @current_hash = calc_hash_with_nonce(@nonce)
  • Check each of the blocks linked correctly with their previous hashes.

  • Check the block's hash is valid for the number of zeros (difficulty in our case 00).

And finally we implement /nodes/resolve end-point:

get "/nodes/resolve" do
  if blockchain.resolve
    "Succefully updated the chain"
    "Current chain is up-to-dated"

It's done! You can find the final code on GitHub.

The structure of our project should look like this:

crystal_coin [master●] % tree src/
├── crystal_coin
│   ├── block.cr
│   ├── blockchain.cr
│   ├── consensus.cr
│   ├── proof_of_work.cr
│   ├── transaction.cr
│   └── version.cr
├── crystal_coin.cr
└── server.cr

Let's try it out

  • Grab a different machine, and run different nodes on your network. Or spin up processes using different ports on the same machine. In my case, I created two nodes on my machine, on a different port to have two nodes: http://localhost:3000 and http://localhost:3001.

  • Register the second node address to the first node using:

crystal_coin [master●●] % curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"nodes": [""]}'
New nodes have been added: Set{""}%
  • Let's add a transaction to the second node:
crystal_coin [master●●] % curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"from": "eqbal", "to":"spiderman", "amount": 100}'
Transaction #<CrystalCoin::Block::Transaction:0x1039c29c0> has been added to the node%
  • Let's mine transactions into a block at the second node:
crystal_coin [master●●] % curl
Block with index=1 is mined.%
  • At this point, the first node has only one block (genesis block), and the second node has two nodes (genesis and the mined block):
crystal_coin [master●●] % curl
crystal_coin [master●●] % curl
  • Our goal is to update the chain in the first node to include the newly generated block at the second one. So let's resolve the first node:
crystal_coin [master●●] % curl
Succefully updated the chain%

Let's check if the chain in the first node has updated:

crystal_coin [master●●] % curl


Hooray, works like a charm.


This tutorial covered the fundamentals of a public blockchain. If you followed along, you implemented a blockchain from scratch and built a simple application allowing users to share information on the blockchain.

We’ve made a fairly sized blockchain at this point. Now, CrystalCoin can be launched on multiple machines to create a network, and real CrystalCoins can be mined.

I hope that this has inspired you to create something new.

Note: code in this tutorial is not ready for real use. Please refer to this as a general guide only.