
Zone Lookup is a configurable app template that allows users to look up information based on their current location or a search polygon

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Prerequisites: The webserver needs npm and node installed.

  • Fork and then clone the repo.
  • Run npm install
  • Host on local web server.
  • Open web browser
  • Append your configured appid to the url with ?appid=

Configuration Options

Test apps

  • Congressional districts:521fa0defa054c389097e685328d4bc3
  • School districts web map: "80a6a6c21574452b961001b8d08f2607"
  • Evacuation zones: d0feeb5963f7468d85a79f540adf3cea

General options

  • appid: Application id that contains configured app properties

Map options

  • webmap: Web map to display
  • mapPin: Include a graphic on the map showing the search location. The graphic is a map pin,
  • mapPinLabel: Include address text on the map showing the clicked location.
  • addressGraphicColor: The color of the graphic and address text.

Search results panel options

  • resultsPanelPreText: This is text that will display prior to the search results and can be used to provide additional information to the user about the search results. Can include allowed HTML.
  • resultsPanelPostText: Text that displays after the serach results. Can included allowed HTML
  • groupResultsByLayer: Choose how to group the results. By default the results are not grouped. Set this to true to group by layer.

Title options

  • title: Main title for the app
  • titleLink: Url if you want the title to be a clickable link that navigates to the specified site.

Info Panel

  • socialSharing: When true social sharing (Facebook,email and twitter) buttons are displayed at the top of the info panel.
  • introductionTitle: Title text displayed in bold at the top of the info panel
  • introductionContent: Content that displays in the description area of the info panel. Can include HTML that is supported by ArcGIS Online.

Lookup settings

  • lookupType: Specify the type of lookup app you want to create. The following options are valid: "distance", "closest", "geometry"

    • distance: This option will find features within the specified distances and units of the input location. Distance is specifed using distance and units is specified using units.
    • geometry: Determine if the input location is within a search geometry. The search geometries are defined using the lookupLayers and the relationship defines the spatial relationship between the features.
  • lookupLayers: Layers to use for location based searching. By default will search all feature layers in the map. if hideSearchLayerFeatures is enabled features in these layers will only be visible when part of search results.

  • relationship: Define the spatial relationship used to filter features. Default value is intersects. Valid values are intersects|contains|crosses|envelope-intersects|index-intersects|overlaps|touches|within

  • noResultsMessage: Define message that displays when no search results are found.

  • displayUnmatchedResults: How do the features that don't match the requirements appear. Options are grayscale, sepia or hide

  • includeDistance: When true and when the lookup type is distance include a distance from the lookup location option.

  • showDirections: Add an option to display directions.

  • zoomScale: Define the scale to zoom in to show results

  • autoZoomFirstResult: When true the map will automatically zoom to the first result


  • bodyBackground: Default value is empty. If a shared theme is set in the organization the body.background color will be used. Users can specify a color via the configuration process. This color will be used for the splash and description panel background color.
  • bodyColor: Default value is empty. If a shared theme is set in the organization the body.text color will be used. Users can specify a color via the configuration process. This color will be used for the splash and description panel text color.
  • headerBackground: Default value is white (#fff). If a shared theme is set in the organization the header.background color will be used. Users can specify a color via the configuration process. This color will be used for the header/footer background color.
  • headerColor: Default value is dark gray (#4c4c4c). If a shared theme is set in the organization the header.text color will be used. Users can specify a color via the configuration process. This color will be used for the header/footer text color and the color of any tools that are displayed in the header/footer area.
  • buttonBackground: Default value is empty. If a shared theme is set in the organization the button.background color will be used. Users can specify a color via the configuration process. This color will be used for the splash screen button background color. Note: This value is not applied to map buttons.
  • buttonColor: Default value is empty. If a shared theme is set in the organization the button.text color will be used. Users can specify a color via the configuration process. This color will be used for the splash screen button text color. Note: this value is not applied to map buttons.


  • legend: Default value is false. When true a legend button is added to the map.
  • legendPosition: Location on the map where the legend button is displayed. Valid values are top-left|top-center|top-right|bottom-left|bottom-center|bottom-right
  • zoom: Default value is false. When true a zoom (+/-) button is added to the maps.
  • zoomPosition: Location on the map where the zoom tool is placed. Default value is top-left. Valid values are top-left|top-center|top-right|bottom-left|bottom-center|bottom-right
  • home: "Default value is false. When true the home button is added to the map enabling users to go back to the initial map extent with one click.
  • homePosition: Location on the map where the home extent tool is placed. Default value is top-left. Valid values are top-left|top-center|top-right|bottom-left|bottom-center|bottom-right
  • scalebar: Default value is false. When true a scalebar is added to the map.
  • scalebarPosition:Location on the map where the scalebar is placed. Valid values are top-left|top-center|top-right|bottom-left|bottom-center|bottom-right