
An app to consume the json and output a list of all the cats in alphabetical order under a heading of the gender of their owner.

Primary LanguageC#


An app to consume the json and output a list of all the cats in alphabetical order under a heading of the gender of their owner.


Visual Studio 2017

Steps to Run the App.

- Clone the code from https://github.com/cserkaran/PetOwners.git
- Open in Visual Studio 2017 and Build Solution.
- Make sure PetOwners.UI is set as startup project.
- Press F5. Console window will appear with the required output.

Steps to Run the Tests

- Open Test Explorer and build solution. 6 Unit tests will be listed.
- Run the same from Test Explorer. All are passing.

Project Structure

PetOwners.Bll - Contains the Business Logic to sort and group the cat names by their owner gender.
PetOwners.Infrastructure - Infrastructure code to setup MEF export and import and other platform services.
PetOwners.Interfaces - Contains Common Interfaces e.g for Repository and AppController.
PetOwners.Model - Contains Domain Model classes.
PetOwners.Repository - Repository pattern implementation.
PetOwners.UI - Console App to read the data from Controller and display. 
PetOwners.Tests - Unit test project.