
It's extremely important to make your code understandable with plenty of comments

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


It's extremely important to make your code understandable with plenty of comments

IMPORTANT Language Specification

version 1.0
Table of Contents
I. Preface
II. Principles
III. Grammar
IV. Examples
V. Implementations
VI. Acknowledgement

I. Preface

In order to prevent the imminent destructive battle between the world of programmers and ordinary people, and to bridge the gap in understanding between the two parties (from at least one side), we created a programming language that encourages programmers to write code that is fully understandable to anyone. We know that a mere tool alone would not be a solution to such a serious problem, so it is IMPORTANT to note that the IMPORTANT language is much more of an attitude-forming purpose than a practical one. Those who don’t like that look for other languages, but who does, it’s a hero.

II. Principles

It's IMPORTANT to comment and explain each and every piece of code in IMPORTANT, because it's IMPORTANT. See examples in section IV.

III. Grammar

3. Brief description

The IMPORTANT language is a somewhat extended version of brainfuck. It contains a stack with three operations associated with it in addition to standard bf operations. Out of the usual pop and push operations, the swap operation is also part of the language. Another IMPORTANT feature is that the IMPORTANT language supports comments, and they even play an extremely IMPORTANT role while running programs. It's almost magic.

2. Instruction set

Command Description
> Increment pointer
< Decrement pointer
+ Increment byte at pointer
- Decrement byte at pointer
. Output byte at pointer
, Input byte and place it at pointer
ˇ Push byte at pointer to the top of the stack
^ Pop byte from the top of the stack and place it at pointer
; Swap byte at pointer with the byte on the top of the stack
{ Jump to matching } if byte at pointer is zero
} Jump to matching { if byte at pointer is non zero
:text: Comment

IV. Examples

Small piece of code doing nothing:

:This code does nothing
because the pointer is zero when the program reaches the { curly bracket
so the - operation does not decreases the pointer instead it goes to the
closing } bracket and the program quits:

Small piece of code that does something:

:This program - called cat - writes its input directly to its output
Lets explain it briefly
, inputs data
{ finish program when there is zero data at pointer
. print data
, input data
} repeat this while there is nonzero data at pointer:

Piece of code that's not doing anything, because it isn't explained:

:This code is provided as-is and magically prints 'Hello World!' to the console:

V. Implementations

So far, we have not encountered further implementations of the language. If you did, open a pull request.

VI. Acknowledgement

Yet another empty space for now.