Static Code Analysis with Phan

This package has been created to demonstrate how to work with Phan, a Static Code Analysis tool recommended by Rasmus Lerdorf.

System requirements

  • PHP 7.2+
  • PHP-AST extension


You can download the phpDocumentor "phar" (PHP Archive) from the following URL:

Coding Standards and Conventions

  • Add a blank line before return statements, unless the return is alone inside a statement-group
  • Always use identical comparison unless you need type juggling
  • Use Yoda conditions when checking a variable against an expression to avoid an accidental assignment
  • Add a comma after each array item in a multi-line array, even after the last one
  • Use braces to indicate control structure body regardless of the number of statements it contains
  • Define one class per file
  • Declare class properties before methods
  • Declare public methods first
  • Naming Conventions
    • Classes: ClassName
    • Variables: $variableName
    • Methods: methodName()
    • Parameters: parameter_key