Data Expert: The Chemistry of SQL: ACID

What you'll learn

  • What are the very basics of Normalization?
  • How to create VIEWs?
  • What are Transactions? What is ACID?
  • How to use these concepts for Database Refactoring?


  • Programming basics
  • Being familiar with Git
  • The fundamentals of Relational Databases and SQL
  • Solid understanding of the basic CRUD operations in SQL (CREATE/INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE/DROP)
  • Installed and running PostgreSQL Server (version 12 or higher)
  • A fork of the start repository


1. Fork the repository

Fork the repository with the initializer scripts.


  • The repository is forked

2. Initialize

Initialize the database for the project.


  • A new database exists
  • The tables and data in the init.pgsql are in the database

Background materials