
small backup program that copies the important files from illumina sequencing runs

Primary LanguageScala


copies selected files and folders into destination directory using rsync. tars selected files and folders into lane specific tar files.

A file called excludeBackup in any of the folders excludes the folder + its subfolders from being backed up.

Its a simple filter for rsync with many integration tests ensuring that only the intended files get copied + checksummed.

>git clone git@github.com:csf-ngs/illuminaBackup.git 
>cd illuminaBackup
>java -jar target/illuminaBackup.jar -r /path/to/run -t /path/to/tar/folder -o /path/to/savedRuns

-t no prevents taring

  • ####known bugs: the tar file unfortunately begins one level to low. When untaring the user must untar in a newly created folder.

  • ####todo: learn sbt release plugin and do a proper release

  • ####technology: scala, sbt, rsync, tar, jcommander, slf4j