
Example of a custom Event listener SPI

Primary LanguageJava

Keycloak Extensions

This repository shows how you can extend Keycloak's features.

Table of content



Build the artefact of the custom event listener

If you want to test the example event listener, than you have to build it before you start the keycloak server.

cd custom-event-listener && docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app -w /usr/src/app maven:3-openjdk-11 mvn clean install

Start and stop the containers

Before start working you have to start the Docker containers:

docker-compose up --build --detach

After finished working you can stop the Docker containers:

docker-compose stop

The website will be accessible at http://localhost:8080/. The default username for the master realm is "admin" and the password "password".

SMTP Server

In order to test the whole workflow locally, Mailhog is set up and can be configured as SMTP server that catches all outgoing mails. These are the SMTP configurations:

  • Host: mailhog
  • Port: 1025

All catched emails can be visited at http://localhost:8025/.

Custom Event Listener

Lets build a custom event listener, that sends an email to an admin on every new registration.

Follow this link for more details.