
Vagrant plugin enabling the usage of the Bash on Ubuntu on Windows shell for SSH.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


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Simple plugin that allows you to SSH into Vagrant machines using Bash on Ubuntu on Windows.

This serves as a way of getting me back into Ruby, so there may be some silly bugs.


Obviously to make use of this plugin you must have Bash on Ubuntu on Windows installed, I won't cover that here so here's a nice article on how to do it.

Install the plugin from RubyGems using the following command:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-lxss-plugin

Alternatively if you feel like the master branch is more up-to-date than the released version then you may run the following commands to install the latest version:

git clone https://github.com/csh/vagrant-lxss-plugin.git
cd vagrant-lxss-plugin
rake build
vagrant plugin install pkg/vagrant-lxss-plugin-x.x.x.gem


Once the plugin is installed you simply use bash instead of ssh when connecting to a VM.

From the VM Directory
vagrant bash
From elsewhere
vagrant bash <machine-id>