
Codepath Bootcamp Assignment 1

Primary LanguageJava


Codepath Bootcamp Assignment 1

Flicks is an android app that displays the list of movies currently running in cinemas.

Submitted by: Sharath C

Time spent: 8 hours spent in total

User Stories

The following required functionality is completed:

  • User can view a list of movies (title, poster image, and overview) currently playing in theaters from the Movie Database API.
  • Lists should be fully optimized for performance with the ViewHolder pattern.
  • Views should be responsive for both landscape/portrait mode.

The following optional features are implemented:

  • Add pull-to-refresh for popular stream with SwipeRefreshLayout
  • Display a nice default placeholder graphic for each image during loading (read more about Picasso)
  • For popular movies (i.e. a movie voted for more than 5 stars), the full backdrop image is displayed. Otherwise, a poster image, the movie title, and overview is listed. Use Heterogenous ListViews and use different ViewHolder layout files for popular movies and less popular ones.
  • Expose details of movie (ratings using RatingBar, popularity, and synopsis) in a separate activity.
  • Add a play icon overlay to popular movies to indicate that the movie can be played
  • Leverage the data binding support module to bind data into main and detail activities.
  • Improve the user interface through styling and coloring.
  • Add a rounded corners for the images using the Picasso transformations.

Video Walkthrough

Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories:

Alt text Alt text

GIF created with LiceCap.


Copyright [2016] [Sharath C]

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