An ASP.NET Core Web Api for returning Magic the Gathering Cards
- A Cards Controller which returns all the documents in the MongoDB cards collection
- A Card model which maps the fields of a card object, along with related types (Ruling and Legality)
- Navigate to the directory where you want to put this project and run this in the Command Prompt or Terminal:
$ git clone
- cd (change directory) into the directory where you cloned this project
$ cd api-magicTheGathering/
- Run the dotnet project restore command to download all the Nuget packages associated with this API
$ dotnet restore
- Let's start it up!
$ dotnet run
- This is a quick and dirty ASP.NET Core Web API using MongoDB.
- Some of this code should be refactored and moved into configuration files and business logic classes.
- Big shoutout to the folks who spent all the time putting Magic the Gathering Card and Set data in JSON format. Visit
- Please feel free to fork this repository and submit pull requests.
- First time submitting a Pull Request? Check out this awesome guide!