
Python implementation of Mark Schmidt's Matlab minFunc unconstrained minimization algorithm(s).

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1


version 0.9 (Aug 23 2021)

Reimplementation of Mark Schmidt's minFunc in python. (https://www.cs.ubc.ca/~schmidtm/Software/minFunc.html)

Note: Do not use the Matlab code for minFunc here. It has been modified to allow for easy testing of equivalence between this python implementation and Mark Schmidt's original Matlab code. If you want Schmidt's Matlab code, go to the above URL.


This code is intended to be a reimplementation of Mark Schmidt's minFunc (which is in Matlab/Octave) multi-variate unconstrained minimization package in python using numpy and scipy. The goal is not to change the algorithms in minFunc, but just to provide their equivalences in python.

Required Packages

The code requires numpy and scipy.

Optionally, requires the following packages:

  • ilupp if running Newton's method with cgSolve<0
  • matplotlib if display option set to 'excessive'
  • choldate if running quasi-Newton

If you cannot get these packages and don't use with these options, commenting out the corresponding import line will have no bad effects.

choldate is not available (currently) via pip. It is available at https://github.com/modusdatascience/choldate with simple install instructions.


The code has been tested for most of the paths through the algorithms on a handful of optimization problems (none very large). It does not reproduce the results exactly (down to the last floating-point bit), mainly because 1) operations like Cholesky decompositions are performed differently in scipy and Matlab, and 2) even operations like inner product can produce different results due to floating point variablity (see the README in the testing directory).

On the tests performed, this python version does implement the same algorithm. Small differences can accumulate and cause different optimization paths, but these (appear to) only happen at points where the underlying method is slightly unstable and one shouldn't expect to rely on the exact answer.

How to install

Copy the directory pyminfunc/ (the one in src/) to wherever your python installation expects packages to be.

How to use

The following example demonstrates how to use it.

from pyminfunc import minFunc
import numpy as np

def myf(x):
     sinx1 = np.sin(x[1])
     cosx1 = np.cos(x[1])
     f = x[0]**2 * sinx1**2 + (x[1]-10)**2 + (x[0]-10)**2
     g = np.array([2*x[0] * sinx1**2 + (x[0]-10),
                   x[0]**2 * sinx1 * cosx1 + (x[1]-10)])
     return f,g

x0 = np.array([0,0])
options = {'display':'off'} # many more options possible
xmin,fmin,exitflag = minFunc(myf,x0,options)

The options are supplied as a dictionary, as opposed to a structure (this is the only real change in the interface). See here for documentation on the options possible.


Currently, I'm sure there are paths through the code that have not been fully tested. If you find a bug, please report it. I will fix them as I get time. A minimal example that reproduces the bug will be necessary for me to fix it.