Tech Review for CS 410 Text Info Systems

Title: Reviewing Recent Text Sentiment Classification Techniques for Social Media Comments

Please find the review in the file named "techreview.pdf"

Below is the original from the course repo

Tech Review

Please enter your topics here by Week 8 (Oct 18). You may choose a topic already chosen by other students (e.g. Survey of text mining toolkits) but please make sure that your review covers something novel that is not available online or in other students' submissions. The "description" column in the sign up sheet should help identify whether your review is unique or not. So, please read the desciptions of other students who've chosen a similar topic as you. You should also provide sufficient details in your description to help others decide.

Some sample topics have been provided here. You are free to use them or come up with your own topics!

Due: Nov 8, 2020 at 11:59 pm CST