
1 Introduction

This repo includes diverse works related to performance issues. We divide these works into two categories:

(1) Empirical Study, especially in taxonomy

  1. Syntactic-based PLDI 2012
    • Uncoordinated functions
    • Skippable Function
    • Synchronization Issues
  2. Configuration-related
    • CP-Detector, ASE 2020, semantics based
      • Optimization on-off
      • Non-functional tradeoff
      • Resource allocation
      • Functionality on-off
    • LearnConf, EuroSys 2020, program dependency based
      • Data Dependency
      • Control Dependency
        • If-related
        • Loop-related
  3. Specific performance issues
    • Inefficient Loop(L-Doctor, ICSE 2017)
      • Resultless Loop
      • Redundancy Loop
    • Wasteful memory access(JXPerf, FSE, 2019)
      1. Dead store
      2. Silent store
      3. Silent load

Other topics related to empirical study

  • How performance bugs are exposed, introduced, fixed(patch)
  • Bug fix time, Number of changed lines

(2) Detection approach

  1. Program analysis, including static analysis and dynamic analysis, such as profiler and instrumentation
    • L-Doctor ICSE 2017
      • Static-dynamic hybrid analysis to provide accurate performance diagnosis
    • JXPerf FSE 2019
      • Inefficiency Profiler
      • Use PMU and debug registers to recognize some wasteful memory accesses
      • Prior works mainly use bytecode instrumentation with high overhead
    • LearnConf, EuroSys 2020
      • Leverage static analysis to infer performance properties of software configs
    • LoadSpy, ICSE, 2019
      • Propose a whole-program fine-grained profiler to pinpoint redundant loads
  2. Statistical learning
  3. Deep Learning

2 Detailed Paper Comments

Title: Performance Diagnosis for Inefficient Loops

Source: ICSE 2017


  • design a root-cause and fix-strategy taxonomy for inefficient loops
  • design a static-dynamic hybrid analysis tool, LDoctor, to provide accurate performance diagnosis for loops
    • LDoctor can automatically judge whether the symptom is caused by inefficient loops and provide detailed root-cause information that helps understand and fix inefficient loops

Root-cause Taxonomy

  • Three requirements
    • Coverage, covering a big portion of real-world inefficient loop problems
    • Actionability, each root-cause category being informative enough to help developers fix a performance problem
    • Generality, allowing automated diagnosis to be applied to many applications
  • Two categories
    • Resultless: spend a lot of time in computation that does not produce results useful after the loop, contain four sub-types
      • 0*: never produce any results in any iteration. They are rare in mature software systems and should be deleted.
      • 0*1?: only produce results in the last iteration
        • check a sequence of elements one by one until the right one is found
        • Whether these loops are efficient or not depends on the workload
        • Resultless01
        • Fix: change the data structure(List -> Hash Table)
      • 1*: This category always generate results in almost all iterations.
        • They are inefficient because their results are useless due to high-level semantic reasons.
        • For example, several Mozilla performance problems are caused by loops that contain intensive GUI operations whose graphical outcome may not be observed by humans and hence can be optimized
        • Fix strategies for these loops likely vary from case to case and are difficult to automate
    • Redundancy: when a large amount of computation produces already-available results
      • Cross-iteration Redundancy: one iteration repeats what was already done by an earlier iteration of the same loop
      • Cross-loop Redundancy: one dynamic instance of a loop spends a big chunk, if not all, of its computation in repeating the work already done by an earlier instance of the same loop
        char* sss_xph_generate(node_t* aNode) {
            int count=0;
            for (n = aNode; n ; n = aNode->prev)
                if (n->localName == aNode->localName && n->namespaceURI == aNode->namespaceURI)
        } //called for every node in a list

System Design

  • Three principles
    1. symptom oriented.
    2. static–dynamic hybrid
    3. sampling

Title: Redundant Loads: A Software Inefficiency Indicator

Source: ICSE 2019

This paper focuses on redundant loads. The redundant loads can be classified into two categories:

  • Temporal Load Redundancy

    • A memory load operation L2, loading value V2 from location M, is redundant iff the previous load operation L1, performed on M, loaded a value V1 and V1 = V2. If V1 ≈ V2, we call it approximate temporal load redundancy.
  • Spatial Load Redundancy A memory load operation L2, loading a value V2 from location M2, is redundant iff the previous load operation L1, performed on location M1, loaded a value V1 and V1 = V2, and M1 and M2 belong to the address span of the same data object. If V1 ≈ V2, we call it approximate spatial load redundancy.

It also proposes a definition Redundancy Fraction: the ratio of bytes redundantly loaded to the total bytes loaded in the entire execution. Large redundancy fraction in the execution profile of a program is a symptom of some kind of software inefficiency.

The causes of redundant loads can be classified into 3 provenances:

  1. Input-sensitive Redundant Loads The following list is a case from backprop, a supervised learning algorithm. As the training progresses, many weights can be stabilized and delta[j] and oldw[k][j] are zeros. So, the computations can be bypassed.

    for (j = 1; j <= ndelta; j++) {
        for (k = 0; k <= nly; k++) {
            new_dw = ((ETA*delta[j]*ly[k])+(MOMENTUM*oldw[k][j]));
            w[k][j] += new_dw;
            oldw[k][j] = new_dw;
  2. Redundant Loads due to Suboptimal Data Structures and Algorithms

    • Inefficiencies of this category require semantics to identify and optimize.
  3. Redundant Loads due to Missing Compiler Optimizations

    • MissingConstant
    • The compiler does not replace the assignment with a constant, possibly due to its inability to prove the safety of assigning to a global array in the presence of concurrent threads of execution

Title: Pinpointing Performance Inefficiencies in Java

Source: FSE 2019

This paper leverages PMU and hardware debug register to detect wasteful memory access:

  • Dead store<S1, S2>
    • S1 and S2 are two successive memory stores to location M (S1 occurs before S2)
    • S1 is a dead store iff there are no intervening memory loads from M between S1 and S2.
  • Silent store<S1, S2>
    • A memory store S2, storing a valueV2 to location M, is a silent store iff the previous memory store S1 performed on M stored a value V1, and V1 = V2.
  • Silent load<L1, L2>
    • A memory load L2, loading a value V2 from location M is a silent load iff the previous memory load L1 performed on M loaded a value V1, and V1 = V2.

The methodology can be described as the following figure(Silent Store):

  1. PMU samples a memory store
  2. Debug register monitor
  3. Debug register trap
  4. Check value


Title: Detecting Performance Patterns with Deep Learning (Poster)

Source: SPLASH Companion 2020

This work may be the first one to leverage deep learning to recognize performance bugs. It uses ML to infer inefficient statements in code. The approach is easy:

  1. Leverage AST to capture the control flow of corresponding program;
  2. Add data dependency edges to capture data flow
    • Perform BFS search on the AST
    • Find Store or Param node
      • Create a stable entry in a dict with the node's value(define)
    • Find Load node
      • Create a data dependency edge from its parent store or param node to load node
  3. Use DeepWalk to embedd the AST and it seems that efficient and inefficient ASTs are seperated: DeepWalk

So, the author argued that constructing every statements' AST and graph embedding can help us classify efficient or inefficient statements;

Title: Understanding and Detecting Real-World Performance Bugs

Source: PLDI 2012

This paper conducts a comprehensive study of 109 real-world performance bugs that are randomly sampled from five software suites. The important results are listed as two types below:

  • Root cause(Taxonomy)

    1. Uncoordinated Functions: inefficient function-call combinations composed of efficient individual functions.
      • These transactions are used to adding bookmarks, actually, they can be merged into one transaction TransactionBug
    2. Skippable Function: call functions that conducts unnecessary work given the calling context
      • Calling nsImage::Draw for transparent figures is meaningless SkippableFunction
      • The GC call is useless, however, XMLHttpRequest is not popular at first, after Web 2.0, it becomes more and more popular. So, this problem lasted for five years before being fixed. IntensiveGC
    3. Synchronization Issues: unnecessary synchronization that intensifies thread competition is also a common cause of performance loss SyncBug
  • Rule-based detection

    • Efficiency Rule contains two components: A transformation and a condition
      • Once code region satisfies the condition, the transformation can be applied to improve performance.
    • Concluded from patches(A total of 109)
      • 50 / 109 have efficiency rules, the other 59 do not contain rules(either target too specific program contexts or too general to be useful for rule-based bug detection) Conditions
      • For example, doTransaction can be fixed by the No.3 rule. Obviously, this approach is naive and easily leads to many FPs.

Title: Inferring Performance Bug Patterns from Developer Commits

Source: ISSRE 2019

This paper leverages performance bug related commits to understand the ecosystem and provides a benchmark for the future work.

  • Collect commits
    • Selection: Top popular projects from Debian repo
    • Identification: keywords-based, such as "performance" and "accelerate". All results will be manual checked
  • Taxonomy: Semantics behind code changes, based on the observation proposed by authors: Perf bug fixing commits follow certain patterns
    1. Fast-path: avoid repeated or slow computation when possible, apply a different algorithm to achieve the same result as the slow-path
      int foo(int bar) {
          if (some_cond(bar)) {
              return fast_path; // Fast-path
          return very_heavy_computation(bar); //Slow-path
    2. Arguments: some commits change the values of arguments passed to a function so that the control flow can take an existing fastpath in that function
    3. Cache Memoization: The result of a computation should be stored if it is needed onward to avoid redundant re-computations of the same result
      for(char *c = str; c - str < strlen(str); c++) {}
      Actually, strlen(str) can be removed from this for statement by loop invariant analysis;
    4. Data Access: Different data structures yield different data access overheads, e.g., retrieving unsorted data without an index in a vector or list requires a linear search, while accessing data from hashed maps only introduces the overhead of hash functions.
    5. Synchronization: improperly serialized program parts can become performance bottlenecks
      • C/C++ Project: Mutex-like lock, OS kernel: Spinlock
      • sync related performance problems are relatively infrequent compared to other
      • developers nowadays tend to minimize the amount of shared data to avoid race conditions

Title: Statically Inferring Performance Properties of Software Configurations

Source: EuroSys 2020

This paper proposes static analysis based approach to discovering performance properties of system configurations. The key insight is that any configuration that affects performance dynamically must have a data/control flow dependency with certain time or space intensive operations(Performance Operations or PerfOps).

It provides a taxonomy of how a config might affect performance through program dependency. The taxonomy proposed contains three categories demonstrated by the following toy examples: C is a Variable derived from Config

  1. A data dependence between the PerfConf and a PerfOp parameter;
    new byte[C];
  2. An if-related control dependence where the PerfConf helps determine whether the PerfOp is executed;
    if(C <= tag) {
        new byte[a];
    } else {
        new byte[b];
  3. A loop-related control dependence where the Perf-Conf controls the number or frequency of PerfOp executions.
    for(int i = 0; i < N; i += C) {


  1. Identify PerfConfs and PerfOps
    1. PerfConfs: identifies all the invocations of configurationloading APIs
    2. PerfOps
      • What are PerfOps?(likely to have large performance impacts at run time)
        • Memory operations: two types of operations related to arrays
          1. a heap or static array allocation instruction that allocates an array with a non-constant array length
          2. a container-add operation that adds the reference of an array
        • Latency operations
          1. cause a thread to pause, including Thread::sleep() and all lock-synchronization APIs
          2. Java I/O-library operations
          3. operations that directly affect the parallelism level of the system, including new Thread(), new ThreadPoolExecutor()
          4. configurable and expensive operations in distributed systems, currently only includes heartbeat() function
    3. Performance-related configs
      • Analyze whether any PerfOp has data or control dependency upon any configuration variable
  2. Identify PerfConf patterns(About performance-related configs)

Title: Statistical Debugging for Real-World Performance Problems

Source: OOPSLA 2014

This paper firstly conducts an empirical study to confirm the feasibility of detecting perf bug based on statistical learning.

Statistical debugging collects program predicates, such as whether a branch is taken, during both success runs and failure runs, and then uses statistical models to automatically identify predicates that are most correlated with a failure, referred to as failure predictors.

How to collect real program predicates?

  • Most perf bug commits provide input generation methodology.

Predicate design

  • Branches: which branch is taken
  • Returns: function return point, tracking <0, <=0, >0, >=0, =0, !=0
  • Scalar-pairs: each pair of variable x and y, tracking x < y, x <= y, x > y, x >= y, x = y, x != y
  • Instructions: whether executed

Model Selection

  • a basic model proposed by CBI work
  • ΔLDA

Title: CP-Detector: Using Configuration-related Performance Properties to Expose Performance Bugs

Source: ASE 2020


  • Optimization on-off: a configuration option is used to control an optimization strategy

    • MYSQL-67432
      SELECT * FROM t WHERE c1<100 AND (c2<100 OR c3<100)
    • MySQL can speed up at least 10% by enabling the optimization strategy index_merge=ON
  • Non-functional tradeoff: a configuration option is used to achieve the balance between performance and other non-functional requirements of the program

    • GCC uses O0, O1, O2, O3 options to control the balance between compilation time and binary execution efficiency. A higher O level indicates more compilation time.
    • GCC-17520: switching from O0 to O2 increases the compilation time from less than 1 second to 1 minute, the root cause is a bug in branch prediction algorithm
  • Resource allocation: a configuration option is used to control resource usages (e.g., RAM, CPU cores)

    • MYSQL-21727 mysql21727
    • Allocating more resources generally results in better performance. However, this case suffers from redundant memory allocation. Specifically, the buffer is allocated before each sub-query.
  • Functionality on-off: a configuration option is used to control a non-performance functionality but indirectly influences the system’s performance

    • MariaDB-5802: log_slave_updates=on -> off