
Could you please share the running scripts for IL+RL training from scratch?

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Hi, Shizhe.
Thanks very much for the great HAMT work! I was recently using your code trying to run the VLN experiments myself. I noticed that you provided the running scripts for pretraining and fine-tuning, but not for training the model on R2R from scratch. And I guess the model configuration for training-from-scratch should be different from finetuning-after-pretraining, e.g., the --fix_lang_embedding and --fix_hist_embedding should not be set as the two embeddings are totally random right? So I hope you could share the scripts for training HAMT from scratch.

Hi, you could simply modify the configurations to train HAMT from scratch, e.g. no fix embeddings and no init from existing checkpoints.

Hi, I understand what your mean. Actually, I would like to reproduce the training-from-scratch results in your paper using HAMT. So I want to know the detailed configurations you used.

Specifically, should I remove both the --fix_lang_embedding and --fix_hist_embedding flags? Should I use the pretrained Bert weights to initialize the language part in the transformer like in pretraining or just leave it as random? Are there any other flags set differently to finetuning?