
Front End Technical Test

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Which? Javascript Exercise - @csi-lk

🔥 Quick Start

yarn build


yarn start



Using jest

yarn test


yarn lint

Here's my braindump from when I forked the task, it will contain a lot of my notes to give you an idea of how I work / approach tasks etc. (It may be a little rough from a grammar and spelling perspective though 🙃)


I had a little confusion around the requirements, usually in a workdplace setting I would chat to the product owner / tech lead to clarify before working (or maybe within a 3 amigos session or planning), as the recruiter wanted me to turn this around within the night I have coded for both interpretations (as they didn't take much time to do), the simpler one of 'multiples of a number' and the more complicated one of 'divisible by these numbers', have split them into seperate libraries and 'highlighted' them differently, ill add config

  • TDD
    • use wallaby to speed up delivery
    • jest-image-snapshot for visuall regression
  • Code
    • Doesn't need a framework
    • Css use postcss so mainly for vars to make this more extensible * Have config vars for the number range

Analysis - 20mins

I like to break down tasks in to manageble chunks before starting them, understand the whole problem / do the research up front then smash through it. Means if I run into a problem or a unexplained requirement I can get feedback up front which may change the implementation

  • Upgrade all deps
  • Install extra deps eslint / prettier / postcss / testing-library / @testing-library/dom / @testing-library/jest-dom / jest-image-snapshot
  • Setup eslint and prettier configs
  • Create tests
    • Should generate n buttons on the page
    • When I click n number it should highlight [Array] numbers
      • 57 = [ 1, 3, 19, 57, 57, 114 ] for eg.
    • When I click n number twice it should no longer show multiples highlighted * Breakpoints (visual regression)
  • Create functions
    • Takes a number and generates buttons on a page with that amount
    • Get number from env to allow this to be config'd
    • Utalise event bubbling rather than having n event listeners
    • Use data-attributes maybe data-number="n"
    • Get multiples of number
    • Something like const multiples = (numbers, number) => numbers.filter(n => !(n % number));
    • Toggle class on divs
    • Keep last number selected in state
    • Current div should also have different highlighted class to show selected number
    • Don't forget touch (test this)
  • CSS
    • Center align text in each box
    • Breakpoint flex per row (I was cheeky and copied the breakpoints from the which.co.uk website)
    • Mobile = 1
    • Default
    • Tablet = 2
    • min-width: 768px
    • Desktop = 3
    • min-width: 1024px
    • Max width container (desktop large)
    • min-width: 1270px

Final Notes

Spent about 2.t hours total active time on it, it seems that I have hit all the requirements but missed some things from my initial plan, and as always it could be better 😉

If I had more time i'd:

  • use typescript
  • get the visual regression tests working
  • randomize the integration tests with faker
  • generate the 144 buttons at build time rather than run time
  • do some more abstraction

Oh I also copy+pasted a bit of config from my webite repo to speed up delivery

Overall am happy with the readability and extensibility of what i've put together
