
Cheatsheet for Spotfire OVER expressions

Primary LanguagePython


Cheatsheet for Spotfire OVER expressions

Parse String as Datetime then get difference

Integer(DateDiff("minute", ParseDateTime("${startDateTime}", "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt"), ParseDateTime("${endDateTime}", "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt"))) + 1

Difference between rows

[ColName] - Last([ColName]) OVER Previous([Axis.X])


This takes the current rows value in [myValue] and subtracts the [myValue] from the previous row (as determined by the [DateColumn] column). Note that an aggregation function is required for the OVER function, but since Previous() just returns a single row, the aggregation is irrelevant - Min(), Max(), Avg(), etc would all return the same original value.

Count number of times character appears in a string

You can replace all occurrences of the character in your string and then compare the length of the trimmed string with the length of your original string:
Len([Column 1]) - Len(Substitute([Column 1],"C",""))


Timespan in Minutes Per Tag

TotalMinutes([Timestamp] - Min([Timestamp]) OVER (AllPrevious([Tag Name])))

Create an ascending grouped index per timestamp for each group



Yes, in the Rank() function just add as many different columns you need to group by:

Rank(RowId(),[Name], [mygroup1],[mygroup2]) But it sounds like you might want to order based on that date time. In that case you wouldn't rank the RowId(), but instead your date time column:


Changepoint detection per tag name in narrow table

If([Value]!=First([Value]) OVER (Intersect(Previous([Timestamp]),[Tag Name])),1,null)

Get the latest timestamp over intersection of tag names and tag groups

Max([Timestamp]) OVER (Intersect([Tagname],[Group]))


Get the latest value of a group based on the timestamp

If([Timestamp]=Max([Timestamp]) OVER (Intersect([Tagname],[Group])),[Value])

Calculate difference between row n and row n-1 n per group

[Value] - First([Value]) OVER (Intersect([Group],Previous([Grouped Index])))

Calculate difference between row n and row n+1 per group

[Value] - First([Value]) OVER (Intersect([Group],Next([Grouped Index])))

Read values from a data table column using IronPython

# import the DataValueCursor class
from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import DataValueCursor

# set up the data table reference
dt = Document.Data.Tables["Data Table"]
# set up the column reference
col = DataValueCursor.CreateFormatted(dt.Columns["col"])

# move the cursor to the first row of the column
# (GetRows() returns an iterable, and next() advances it to the first result)

# update the document property
Document.Properties["B"] = col.CurrentValue


Trigger JS from dropdown property change

MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver;

//this is the target element to monitor changes
//just put the span id here. You can remove next line and add a script param called targetDomId
var targetDomId = "dropDownDocProp"

//function when dropdown value changes
var myFunction = function(oldValue,newValue){
  alert("old value:["+oldValue+"]\nnew value:["+newValue+"]")
                //click on a actioncontrol with python script

//no need to change after this line.
var target = document.getElementById(targetDomId)

//callback is the function to trigger when target changes
var oldVal = target.innerText.trim()
var callback = function(mutations) {
 newVal=$('#'+targetDomId+' .ComboBoxTextDivContainer').text()
 if(newVal!=oldVal) myFunction(oldVal,newVal)
 oldVal = newVal;

//this is to glue these two together
var observer = new MutationObserver(callback);

var opts = {
    childList: true, 
    attributes: true, 
    characterData: true, 
    subtree: true



TERR Pass Through

IronPython Refresh Data with Progress Bars

import traceback
import sys
from Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.ApplicationModel import *
ps = Application.GetService[ProgressService]()

def execRefreshData():
		ps.CurrentProgress.ExecuteSubtask("Refreshing Data");
		proc.CurrentProgress.ExecuteSubtask("Refresh is Complete")

ps.ExecuteWithProgress("Refreshing Data", "Collecting DMC data from PI...", execRefreshData)



Use this Neat Window Function Trick to Calculate Time Differences in a Time Series
