
html-elements-downloader is a tool for downloading HTML content of element given in XPath from links in RSS feed entries (which are given as comma-separated numbers). It supports all major RSS standards (including RSS 0.9x, RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0, CDF, Atom 0.3, and Atom 1.0)


Ensure that required system dependencies are installed:

It should be easier to begin with a separate folder at first:

mkdir htmlelementsdownloader
cd htmlelementsdownloader

and to install script inside a virtualenv (assuming that you have python3 in your system path):

virtualenv --python=python3 venv
. venv/bin/activate

Then script and its dependencies can be installed by simply running:

git clone git://
cd html-elements-downloader
pip install -e .

After this you can run script, e.g.:

python -f -n 0,2,4,6 -x '/html/body/div/div/div/div[3]/div[3]/p'

or run the tests:



This script uses following third part libraries:

  • argparse (to parse command line arguments)
  • feedparser (to parse given RSS feed and get from it sites addresses)
  • lxml (to get HTML element from XPath)