
A dashboard created with ReactJS and TypeScript, to practice front-end concepts.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Wallet Dashboard 📊

This is a project made with ReactJS and TypeScript, using Recharts library and React Count-up, based on this course, to practice front-end concepts and React concepts.

Link to the project: Wallet Dashboard

It's a simple personal dashboard, to monitore finances in a visual way. There are 3 main pages in the app, and the first one you will see is the Sign-up page. I didn't use database, so the values of the application are in most static. To access the dashboard, you will need to sign-in with this values:

email: user@email.com

password: password

signin gif

After that, you will be able to navigate in the application, starting with the dashboard screen. The app allows you to change themes, select the months and year to calculate the balance and see your gains and expenses (in the list page).

dashboard gif

The last part are the list pages, that allows to the user select the respective expenses or gains, based in if they're recurrent or eventual. There are two similar screens, "Entradas" and "Saídas", which can be accessed in the aside menu.

List pages

Credits to Rodrigo Santana, as the whole project was based in his course, with some slightly changes.