
Prototype.js-equivalent object serialization.


jquery-prototype-serializer is a jQuery plugin that allows you to serialize forms as objects, equivalently to the Prototype serialize(true) call. This can be useful when porting front-end code from Prototype.js to jQuery when back-end code expects a serialized object.

To use, simply include the plugin's .js file in your project, and then, wherever you previously were using:

$('foo').serialize(true)    // Here $ is Prototype's selector function.

You can now instead use:

$('#foo').serializeToObject()  // Here $ is jQuery's selector function.

That's all there is to it!


Thanks to John Newman for robustness improvements to the initial logic.


Copyright 2013 Christopher L. Simons

This code is distributed under the MIT/X Consortium License, which can be found in the in sole source code file.