
Scrapes property listing info from realestate.com.au (REA; hence 'screaper'), since they don't have a public API. For Reid!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

realestate.com.au scraper

A favor for a good friend, an exercise in using Casper to scrape a React website, and a slick way to aggregate Australian property listing info in the absence of a dedicated API.

(unaffiliated with the site + solely for private use!)


  • 4/28/17: scraping 'buy' listings now works (see new examples under output/) + refactoring of scrape.js



  1. setup:
  • $ git clone https://github.com/csjiang/screaper.git
  • $ npm install in this directory
  1. to scrape: $ casperjs scrape.js --type=[buy/sold] --query=['your query string, surrounded by quotes'] --output=['your output filename, without an extension']
    • example usage: $ casperjs scrape.js --type=buy --query='diamond creek, vic 3089' --output='diamond-creek' (will output to diamond-creek.csv)
  2. then run: $ node convert.js [exact same filename as before] (don't include an extension!)
    • example usage: $ node convert.js diamond-creek