Questions regarding the guided_EI/guided_NoGT
TouqeerAhmad opened this issue · 3 comments
Hi Jun,
Thank you for sharing the code and data sets!
Can you please explain on a high level what is the difference between 'Denoising_Guided_EI' and 'Denoising_Guided_NoGT' -- is it just you are providing the sigma i.e. the noise level in the first one? I also see '% PGPD denoising' and '% Guided denoising' in the comments, can you please explain what is PGPD -- by guided I understand external prior guiding the internal prior.
Also, in one of the demos 'NoiseEstimation' is called but in others it is not.
Looking forward to hear from you.
Thanks for replying Jun!
I am sorry, I am still unclear about the difference. I have noticed different 'Image2PGs' functions have been called in 'Denoising_Guided_El' and 'Denoising_Guided_NoGT'. Also, in 'Denoising_Guided_El', the S and D matrices are being used explicitly which correspond to dictionary and regularization as per the comments in the file.
I am confused as to why D/S are being used in 'Denoising_Guided_El' but not in 'Denoising_Guided_NoGT'? Since, these are coming from the trained mat file i.e. the external dictionary from the clean images, why it is not being used in both? Can you please explain a bit more about it?
Does the 'Denoising_Guided_NoGT' correspond to the "Internal" as referred in the paper specifically in Table 1. As I have also noticed the time improves when I call 'Denoising_Guided_El'