
Arrays & Hashing

Problem Solutions Todo Blind75?
1-Two Sum cpp / python - v
49-Group Anagrams cpp / python - v
217-Contains Duplicate cpp / python - v
242-Valid Anagram cpp / python - v
347-Top K Frequent Elements cpp / python *Heap & *priority queue v
238-Product of Array Except Self cpp / python - v
36-Valid Sudoku cpp / python test
383-Ransom Note cpp / python -
169-Majority Element cpp / python - *Boyer-Moore Algorithm
283-MoveZeros cpp / python -
128-Longest Consecutive Sequence cpp / python not complete yet v

Two Pointers

Problem Solutions Todo Blind75?
167-Two Sum II cpp / python -
125-Valid Palindrome cpp / python - v
15-3Sum cpp / python - v
11-Container With Most Water cpp / python not complete yet v

Sliding Window

Problem Solutions Todo Blind75?
121-Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock cpp / python - v
3-Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters cpp / python - v
424-Longest Repeating Character Replacement cpp / python *** v
567-Permutation in String cpp / python not complete yet


Problem Solutions Todo Blind75?
20-Valid Parentheses cpp / python - v
155-Min Stack cpp / python -
150-Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation cpp / python -
22-Generate Parentheses cpp / python ** learn backtracking
232-Implement Queue using Stacks cpp / python not complete yet
394-Decode String cpp / python not complete yet
844-Backspace String Compare cpp / python not complete yet

Binary Search

Problem Solutions Todo Blind75?
704-Binary Search cpp / python -
74-Search a 2D Matrix cpp / python -
875-KoKo Eating Bananas cpp / python ***
33-Search in Rotated Sorted Array cpp / python ***conditions v
153-Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array cpp / python not complete yet v
981-Time Based Key-Value Store cpp / python not complete yet v

Linked List

Problem Solutions Todo Blind75?
206-Reverse Linked List cpp / python *Recursive method v
21-Merge Two Sorted Lists cpp / python *pointer v
143-Reorder List cpp / python ***slow-fast v
19-Remove Nth Node From End of List cpp / python ***slow-fast v
138-Copy List with Random Pointer cpp / python *hashmap v
2-Add Two Numbers cpp / python -


Problem Solutions Todo Blind75?
226-Invert Binary Tree cpp / python - v

1-D Dynamic Programming

Problem Solutions Todo Blind75?
198-House Robber cpp / python -