
A perceptional fusion micro-network for studying the subconscious.


Sectors Example One-liner Description
cathodeSemiotics Psychological osmosis research using video synthesis techniques. cathodeSemiotics is a creative technique that combines elements of traditional visual art, like painting or drawing, with the dynamic and time-based qualities of video. Through a synthesis of visual and temporal elements, one can create abstract compositions that tap into the universal and deeply personal aspects of the human emotional experience. Each design is an encapsulated moment of experience used to terraform new planes of understanding.
holon Psychological osmosis research using digital techniques. holon reflects the holistic nature of the process, where individual memories are integrated into a larger framework of collective intelligence, creating a cohesive and interconnected network of synthesized recollections using digital techiques. It embodies the notion that memory synthesis is not simply an isolated process, but a dynamic interplay between individual consciousness and the collective intelligence of the digital age.
handLinguistics A language framework for visualizing internal real-time memory processes. handLinguistics is a language framework for visualizing internal real-time memory processes. Techniques within the framework represent individualized functions for recording real-time memory data dumps. The output is an encapsulated experience with a multi-directional viewing point.
XT The exploration of unconventional concepts in daily life using linguistic visualization algorithms. XT explores unconventional concepts in daily life using linguistic visualization AI tools. Focused on interpersonal jeopardy, the method is used to reconstruct narratives to assess the emotional context of interpersonal interactions and choices.
опит (opit) Reflecting on the minutia of life опит delves into recreating specific sounds, emotions, and sensations that characterize traumatic experiences.