
Minimalist syntax coloring schemes mainly for the Go language.

MIT LicenseMIT

Minimalist color schemes

The following color schemes are simplifications of the Solarized light/dark and the Breakers schemes for Sublime Text 3 and other editors using the TextMate theme format. Why these? These are my favorites.

The purpose was to make a color scheme for the Go language without visual noise but keep some highlighting. It may work with other languages.

Comments and strings are colored other syntax elements are highlighted with bold or italic style. The markup styles were kept from the Breakers scheme mainly for markdown texts. The example code is from the Go standard library.


Copy the theme files to the User folder of Sublime Text which can be found by pressing the Browse Packages... menu item.


Added a much simpler golang syntax file which corrects the scope of some keywords in the original syntax. The syntax can be way simpler because of the puritan coloring (no fruit salad).

The syntax file should be copied to the User folder then select Go min from the View/Syntax menu. The selection will stick until you change it back to Go.





