
This repo is to set up the CSlant blog with docker 🐳

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CSlant blog docker installer

This repo is to set up the CSlant blog with Docker.

We can use this runner to update the blog for development and production.

Docker Hub

CSlant Docker Hub

In this docker repository, we have built the following images:


First, copy the .env.example file to .env and update the values.

envsubst < .env.example > .env

If you don't have envsubst command, you can use the following command:

cp .env.example .env


In the .env file, update the values to match your environment.

# .env file
# ...

# Path to your code folder






Command can't be used if wrong values are set in the .env file.

  1. If the SOURCE_CODE_PATH is wrong, the runner will not be able to find the source code. So, please make sure the SOURCE_CODE_PATH is correct.

    • So please get the full path of the SOURCE_CODE_PATH with the following command:
  2. Ensure the GIT_SSH_URL and GIT_TOKEN are correct. If the values are wrong, the runner will not be able to sync the repositories.

    • Please get GIT_TOKEN from here.

💻 Start in Mac with arm64

To run as amd64. You need to set the default platform to linux/amd64:

export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64

Run the runner

Then, you can just run the following command to start the runner.

bash runner.sh all

The above command will run all the commands in the runner and start nginx, php, node, fe , postgres and elasticsearch services.

If you want to start all the services, you can use the following command:

bash runner.sh all
bash runner.sh start_all

Update host file

Add the following lines to the /etc/hosts file:       blog.cslant.com.local admin.blog.cslant.com.local api.blog.cslant.com.local

If you're using another domain, please update the domain in the .env file and update the domain in the /etc/hosts file as well.


The runner has the following commands:

Command Description
help, h Shows the help message
git_sync, gs Syncs the blog repositories
network, n Creates the Docker network
build, b Builds the blog with Docker
build_all, ba Builds all blog services with Docker
start, s Starts the blog services in Docker
start_all, sa Starts all blog services in Docker
install, i Install all blog dependencies
update, u Update all blog dependencies
resource, r Download blog resources
es_import, ei Import data to Elasticsearch
all, a Runs all the commands

To run a specific command, use the following command:

bash runner.sh <command>

For example, to run the help command to show the help message, use the following command:

bash runner.sh help

Backup database in Docker

Backup this blog database to a SQL file:

pg_dump -U username -h hostname database_name >> /path/to/backup.sql

Example in this Docker:

pg_dump -U root -h localhost cslant_blog >> /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/cslant_blog.sql

Restore database in Docker

psql -U root -h localhost cslant_blog < /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/cslant_blog.sql


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.