This repository contains the code from IBM MQ SupportPacs MA01 (q) and MO03 (qload)
This repository contains
- A simple pipe line program (Q) which takes messages from one source and outputs to a target.
- QLoad provides a simple command line application for loading and unloading messages off queues.
Q takes messages from one source and outputs to a target. The operation of the pipe is controlled by switches to the program. The source and target can either be the console, a Queue or a Topic.
Possible Uses of Q
- To browse the formatted contents of a queue.
- To move/copy messages from one queue to another.
- To load a set of test messages from a file.
- To generate a set of simple test messages, for example to put 25 10K messages 5 seconds apart.
- To act as a queue splitter. Take all messages off one queue and re-put to two different queues.
Possible Uses of QLoad
- To save the messages that are on a queue, to a file, perhaps for archiving purposes and the possibility of later reload back onto a queue.
- To reload a queue with messages you previously saved to a file.
- To remove messages from a queue which are old.
- To ‘replay’ test messages from a stored location – even maintaining time spacing if required.
The Queue Load / Unload Utility allows the user to copy or move the contents of a queue, its messages, to a file. This file can be saved away as required and used at some later point to reload the messages back onto the queue. This file has a specific format understood by the utility, but is human-readable, so that it can be updated in an editor before being reloaded.
Please note: A version of qload is now (from MQ v8) part of the product - renamed to dmpmqmsg - and as such is fully supported through PMRs/APARs.
First Released: 29 Aug 1995
Last Updated: 17 May 2012
First Released: 11 Apr 2005
Last updated: 12 Jul 2012
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