Docker Configuration Files and Command Scripts.

Issues, Solutions and Workarounds (OSX)

Host-Docker and Docker-Docker Network Communication

  • From Host to Docker

    Use EXPOSE and --publish (or -p, -P). Personally, I use default ports within the container and map them to fixed host ports. For example, I use 10022, 20022 for ssh server and 15432, 25432, for postgres server.

  • From Docker to Host and From Docker to Docker

    For OSX, there are several limitations. One is connecting from a container to a service on the host. The workaround is to assign an unused IP address to lo0 and use this IP. Personally, I have sudo ifconfig lo0 alias This also solves the inter-docker communication as well. Another limitation is that all docker containers run at the same IP address. The same service on different dockers cannot listen to the same port. The workaround is to use another one and map it.

Docker with ssh

  • This configuration is not necessary and the following should do the work.
FROM ubuntu:16.04

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y openssh-server

RUN mkdir /var/run/sshd


CMD ["/usr/sbin/ssh", -D]
  • Generate public and private key pairs and update .ssh/authorized_keys and .ssh/known_hosts.

  • Update (or double check) that .ssh and its contents are in the correct directory and have correct permissions.

Docker with Postgres

  • postgres cannot be started as root

    CMD postgres fails while CMD ["postgres"] succeeds. Use the for postgres-9.6 (by default) or extend it with your own.

Dockerfile ENTRYPOINT and CMD