
Web app for binary classification of end user license agreements

Primary LanguagePython


Binarization of End User License Agreement Recommendations (BEULAR) - a Python Flask application that provides a UI for supervised machine learning models that can identify problematic clauses in End User License Agreements. Models come pre-packaged, but the config can be updated to use a REST API deployed on AWS (see this project for details).

Getting Started


Create a .env file to set some app-specific environment variables. For example, a bare minimum setup:


AWS Integration

If you'd like to be able to push validated predictions and user feedback to the AWS S3 bucket created in the beular-api project, you must also add the following to your .env file:


And if you'd like to use a model you deployed behind a REST API in AWS using the beular-api project, you need to additionally set the uri for that api in your .env file:


Note that if you're using the BlazingText model, you still need a local copy of the model (i.e. model.bin) and you should specify this model in the config as well. Read the next section to see how to download the model.

Model Selection

You can choose from the following models:

  • BlazingText - model.bin (you must download this file from here since it's over 1GB in size)
  • Logistic Regression - sgd.joblib
  • Gradient Boosting Classifier - gbc.joblib
  • Random Forest Classifier - rfc.joblib

Note that the BlazingText model is very large, so be sure you've got enough memory on your machine for it to load.

You can select which model to use by adjusting the following lines in config.py:

model_path = os.path.join(
    'sgd.joblib' # change this for a different model

And then be sure to remove that model's entry in the .dockerignore file. If using the BlazingText model, be sure to also remove the *.npy entry.


For local deployment with docker-compose, remove the last two lines of the Dockerfile:

CMD gunicorn -t 2400 -b main:app

Then build and deploy locally with:

docker-compose up --build

You're going to need several GB of disk space for this.

Once the build is complete, go to http://localhost:5000/ to see the app!

Run the Tests

This will verify that everything is working as expected:

python -m coverage run -m pytest

It will also let you see the test coverage with:

python -m coverage report



This app can been deployed to Heroku so long as you choose a beefy performance dyno that can handle multiple docs at once, especially if you're deploying a model to run inside the container instead of via an API. But first, change the Dockerfile by adding the following line at the end:

CMD gunicorn -t 2400 -b$PORT main:app

Log in to Container Registry:

heroku container:login

Create the app:

heroku create

Build the image and push to Container Registry:

heroku container:push web

Then release the image to the app:

heroku container:release web

Finally, open the app:

heroku open

AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Use the Elastic Beanstalk CLI (EB CLI) to configure your local repository for deployment to Elastic Beanstalk:

eb init -p docker beular

(Optional) Use the eb local run command to build and run your container locally:

eb local run --port 5000

After testing your application locally, deploy it to an Elastic Beanstalk environment. Elastic Beanstalk uses the instructions in your Dockerfile to build and run the image.

Use the eb create command to create an environment and deploy your application:

eb create beular-environment