
A C# Time parser & time event handler.

Primary LanguageC#

⏳⌚ Chrono

A C# Time parser & time event handler.

📩 How to install

Chrono is a drop and go assembly and can easily be installed from here or through NuGet:

  • PM> Install-Package ChronoExtensions -Version 1.0.0

👨‍💻 Applications

Made to make handling time easier, Chrono is specifically designed to make handling time in applications easier and avoiding additional timer setups.

Chrono comes with 2 classes:

  • TimeParser
  • TimeEvents

These classes are both non-static and need to be initialized by new. Uses for these classes namely appear in functions that require a timer or require the time to be retrieved from a string.

💉 Dependency injections

Chrono classes work perfectly as services and can be injected through constructors. To assign events, a call to the service is required as the constructor will not assign anything until called.

Example of implementing Chrono classes as services:

  public class Program
      private readonly IServiceProvider _services;

      public Program()
          => _services = ConfigureServices();

      static void Main(string[] args)
          => new Program().RunAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();

      public async Task RunAsync()
          // Whatever other code you may want to use.


          // Never stop the program as it awaits a never-passing delay.
          await Task.Delay(Timeout.Infinite);

      // Configure the serviceprovider and inject requested services by depending classes in the provider.
      private static IServiceProvider ConfigureServices()
          => new ServiceCollection()
              .AddSingleton(new TimeEvents(InvokeType.System))

The service assigned to handle these events:

  public class MyService
      private readonly TimeEvents _timeHandler;

      // Constructs the class. The ConfigureServices method recognizes the TimeEvents class while building and injects it by itself.
      public MyService(TimeEvents eventHandler)
          => _timeHandler = eventHandler;

      // Assigns the events to their receiver methods.
      public void AssignEvents()
          _timeHandler.OnSecondPassed += OnSecondReceived;
          _timeHandler.OnMinutePassed += OnMinuteReceived;

      // Invoked each time the OnSecondPassed event is raised.
      private async Task OnSecondReceived(TimeEventArgs args)

          // Whatever other code you want to execute on each second received.

          await Task.CompletedTask;

      private async Task OnMinuteReceived(TimeEventArgs args)
          // Send a fancy red time message for each minute passing.
          Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;

          await Task.CompletedTask;

This example makes use of:

📺 Examples

  public class ChronoExample
      private readonly TimeEvents _timeHandler;
      private readonly TimeParser _timeParser;

      public ChronoExample()
          // Create new instances of both available Chrono classes. There are no static fields in either of these classes.
          _timeHandler = new(InvokeType.Global);
          _timeParser = new();

      // An example command coming in would be:
      // '/gettime 10 days, 5 hours and 16 seconds'
      public void HandleTimeInputExample(string command)
          // Remove the command name & prefix.
          command = command.Remove(0, 9);

          // GetFromString returns a bool, true if 'command' included any valid time, false if it did not.
          if (_timeParser.GetFromString(command, ParseOperator.Add, DateTime.UtcNow, out DateTime output))
              // 'output' is the result of the given time in the GetFromString command with the time in 'command' added to it.
          else Console.WriteLine("No time found in '/gettime'. Are you sure you used the command properly?");

      public void SubscribeToEvents()
          _timeHandler.OnHourPassed += HourReceived;

      private async Task HourReceived(TimeEventArgs arg)
          // Do whatever you want to handle here.