
Compose files to set up automatic proxying for containers using nginx and Let's Encrypt

Automatic reverse proxying with Docker and nginx

This repository contains the docker-compose.yml file used to bring up a collection of containers that will provide automatic reverse proxying and SSL termination for other docker containers.

More details will be added here in due course. For now, the full process is described in this blog post.

Getting started

This repository contains configuration for four different methods of obtaining Let's Encrypt certificates:

  • docker-compose.override.generic.yml - a generic solution for obtaining certificates using DNS entries. You must supply a Dehydrated hook that will add and remove DNS entries as needed.
  • docker-compose.override.lexicon.yml - uses the Lexicon library to perform DNS updates for major cloud DNS providers.
  • docker-compose.override.mydnshost.yml - uses the MyDNSHost API to perform DNS updates for domains hosted there
  • docker-compose.override.http.yml - performs a HTTP challenge instead of using DNS, saving the response to disk so it can be served by Nginx.

To get started:

  1. Copy the relevant docker-compose.override.*.yml file to docker-compose.override.yml
  2. Change any settings (auth token, staging environment, etc)
  3. Run docker-compose up -d

If you have existing containers with the appropriate labels, the certificates will be requested for them straight away, and proxy rules added. To launch a new container and have it be proxied, add the following labels:

com.chameth.proxy.protocol=<protocol> # defaults to http
com.chameth.vhost=<primary vhost>,<secondary vhost>,<...>

For example:

docker run \
    --label com.chameth.proxy=80 \
    --label com.chameth.vhost=example.domain.com \

It may take a minute or two for the certificate to be obtained and for Nginx to be reconfigured. You can see output from the various tools by running docker-compose logs -f.

Advanced / Tips and Tricks

Adding extra config to Nginx

Out of the box, the Nginx server will only handle HTTPS requests, with a very minimal config. The extra directory contains some additional configuration snippets which may potentially be useful.

Once you have the services running, you can copy additional config using the cp command:

docker cp file.conf autoproxy_nginx:/etc/nginx/conf.d/

The following config files are available in the extra directory:

  • hsts.conf - enables HTTP Strict Transport Security for all HTTPS hosts. HSTS tells browsers that they should only ever request pages on that domain over HTTPS.
  • redirect-http.conf - adds a default HTTP server that redirects all traffic to HTTPS.
  • security.conf - enables some security best practices: stops Nginx reporting its version, and adds headers to help mitigate clickjacking, content type hijacking, and XSS.
  • ssl.conf - adds extra SSL configuration options to disable old protocols and ciphers, enable stapling, etc. This will prevent access from older browsers and operating systems!

Hosting static content

If you're serving static content, it's not desirable to have lots of instances of nginx running just to handle requests from the proxy.

I recommend using GoStatic to host static content. This is a very small image that runs a very small Go binary to serve the files. You can use it in a docker-compose file like so:

version: '2'

    image: pierrezemb/gostatic:latest
      - --forceHTTP
      com.chameth.vhost: 'example.com'
      com.chameth.proxy: '8043'
      - ./www:/srv/http