- 3
- 14
- 4
Setting for 256x256 images.
#56 opened by songquanpeng - 2
difference face position
#55 opened by quancunzuicuo - 2
stargan pretrained model
#54 opened by quancunzuicuo - 6
stargan's reconstructed images
#53 opened by quancunzuicuo - 2
Implementation of comparative experiments
#52 opened by smlouva - 2
attribute generation accuracy
#51 opened by quancunzuicuo - 1
#50 opened by quancunzuicuo - 3
KeyError: 'Ours'
#49 opened by quancunzuicuo - 2
- 1
Error during splitting the test image
#47 opened by Padmashreeg - 1
Not getting the proper bald image
#46 opened by abd-ozos - 1
How can i use pre-trained model
#45 opened by Sepideh-Rezaeirad - 1
#44 opened by denny3366978 - 1
Train STGAN using fewer attributes
#42 opened by XijieJiao - 1
Question about STU structure
#43 opened by XijieJiao - 2
#41 opened by denny3366978 - 5
- 1
Training time.
#39 opened by XijieJiao - 1
Keep getting errors when training
#38 opened by XijieJiao - 2
- 1
#36 opened by synge0718 - 2
--mode err
#35 opened by AlanZ1993 - 17
- 3
how to test my pictures?
#29 opened by mumuyanyan - 1
Use of deprecated function caused error
#30 opened by lamozg6 - 1
Loading Pictures for pretrained model
#33 opened by drd13 - 1
season translation
#27 opened by guxiaowei1 - 1
generation attribute acc
#32 opened by Blue-Clean - 4
Attribution classification results of AttGAN
#31 opened by WeicongChen - 2
Not an issue just a question
#28 opened by shbnm21 - 10
Index error
#23 opened by shbnm21 - 2
- 2
Error using RTX 2070
#25 opened by yasmeen90 - 2
How to evaluate PSNR/SSIM?
#24 opened by guxiaowei1 - 3
#20 opened by godchengzhihang - 1
#22 opened by godchengzhihang - 1
quantitative analysis
#21 opened by godchengzhihang - 3
#19 opened by zhanggaojian - 10
Confusing about the Attribute Generation Accuracy
#18 opened by NNNNAI - 0
Confusing about the Attribute Generation Accuracy
#17 opened by NNNNAI - 6
- 4
How to use own data
#15 opened by nullhty - 1
#14 opened by ZhengHui-Z - 2
sth about the att classification
#13 opened by zhoushiwei - 8
- 4
- 1
Hi , I want to train 512*512 images
#11 opened by zhoushiwei - 5