
records mental gestures from a neurosky mindwave

Primary LanguageJavaScript



  1. Download/clone this repository
  2. cd into the directory and pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. python server/gesture_recorder.py and navigate your browser to
  4. Put on your headset, turn it on, enter a username + electrode position, and press join!


first npm install the webapp requirements, then grunt to build the webapp. for dev, you can grunt-watch to re-build the webapp on filechange.


the flask server launches a mindwave_client.py thread, which communicates with the mindwave device and POSTs packets to the local server.

the local server also serves a webpage front-end. the local server and the webpage communicate over websockets.

the webapp has an (implemented but as-of-yet unused) signal freshness property, and a signal quality property relating to the mindwave device readings.


  • signal quality / connection UI tooltip
  • auto-reconnect to device on disconnect
  • stop recording data when the web frontend closes.