

Primary LanguageJavaScript


this is a prisoners dilemna with choice, against an automated confederate.


make sure you have node, npm and grunt

then just

npm install

you'll need to add a file modues/db_config.coffee that looks like this (sorry!):

Sequelize = require 'sequelize'

module.exports = () ->
  new Sequelize('postgres://[username]:[pass].@[db-hostname]:[db-port]/[db-name]')

now, npm start to run the server.

the admin interface is at http://[server-url]/admin

front-end app

while changing stuff in app/*, you'll want to grunt watch to continually re-build the JS frontend on changes.

the directory structure is like this:

app/ <- this is the webapp 
    styles/ <-- sass files here
    assets/ <-- everything 
	lib/ <- these are your common js-style coffeescript files
	index.html <- the main html template
	main.coffee <- entry point for the webapp  - start reading here

grunt tasks compile app/ to a neat bundle in the top-level directory built-app/. this is what gets served by the server.

back-end app

round info is saved to the postgres DB after each round

in modules/, look at the module.exports to see the exposed methods