
Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Product Spec
  3. Wireframes
  4. Schema



This app will mark speed trap locations on a map based off of user input. It will alert users if they are nearing a speed trap location.

App Evaluation

  • Category: Travel / Lifestyle
  • Mobile: App would be primarily mobile first with a companion website. We want the user to be able to alert other users of speed traps while on the go and alert users if they are nearing a speed trap. The companion website would allow users to view existing speed traps and plan accordingly.
  • Story: App lets user drop pins on a map to show a speed trap location, this will alert any users near the location of a potential speed trap and avoid any fines.
  • Market: Anyone looking to avoid getting speeding tickets.
  • Habit: Users would check the app/companion site before going out. User would use the app after sighting a speed trap.User would have the app open to be alerted of any speed traps nearby while driving.
  • Scope: V1 User will be able to set pins to mark speed trap locations. User's will be able to view other's pins. V2 User would be alerted if aproaching a speed trap. User's can comment on each other pins and rank users.V3 User can set a pin with voice commands.

Product Spec

1. User Stories

Required Must-have Stories

  • User can create an account entering email, password, phone number, or by using facebook.
  • User can search for pins on a map.
  • User can set pins on a map.
  • App would alert user approaching a speed trap

Optional Nice-to-have Stories

  • User's can rank other users. Users can comment on other's pins.
  • User can set a pin with voice commands.
  • User can attach a picture of the exact speed trap location

2. Screen Archetypes

  • Login screen
    • User can login to an existing account or be directed to the signup screen
  • Signup screen
    • User can sign up for an account by suppliying email,password, phone number, or Facebook/Gmail information.
  • Map screen
    • Lets users view existing pins or set a pin.
    • User can see the most common speed trap locations.

3. Navigation

Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)

  • Common location map
  • Live map
  • Settings
  • Logout

Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)

  • Login -> Sign up if no account has been created
  • Common location map -> Live map
  • Settings


Digital Wireframes & Mockups

Interactive Prototype




Property Type Description
Username String Unique hashed id for the user
Password String Hashed password for the user
Email String Hashed email for the user


List of network requests by screen

  • Map Screen
    • (Read/Get) Display most popular user pins
    • (Create/Post) User can set a pin on the map
  • [Create basic snippets for each Parse network request]